
Friday, April 6, 2012

In the arms of the Lord

Easter season has taken on a new meaning since our daughter, Maria, went home to be with Jesus almost 5 years ago.  In the aftermath of my loss I as her dad went through incredible painful grief.  As a parent we had a son to raise.  There were many days where mixed emotions of grief, sorrow and happiness for our son were tossed together like a cocktail of some sorts that could only be swallowed with a grimace.  Is there a God who understands my pain? Surely, he has not experience this kind of loss?  My pain is too awful for any God to take notice.  Why should I worship a God that cannot experience my pain?

Then it occurred to me that God did experience the pain and suffering I went through on June 10, 2007. God saw his son being dragged through the streets carrying a large cross on top of freshly made wounds caused by the Roman symbols of torture. Not being allowed fresh bandages on those wounds he was forced to carry that cross to the place he would die.  God wept for his son because he was powerless at that moment having giving his son over to the soldiers who were merciless in their dealing with him.

God knew my pain because he witnessed his son being nailed at all four limbs with nails that tore into the flesh each time they were hammered. He heard the cries of his son as the cross was being lifted upright between two other criminals who did commit a crime worthy of death.

God understood my pain as he witnessed his son taking his final breath as his head collapsed downward.
Easter is not the time of grief. It is a time that the stone was rolled away and Jesus came back to life. It is a time that God demonstrated that his son fulfilled the promise made to the Jewish believers that no longer are they required to make sacrifices at 10 and 2 because God's ultimate sacrifice of his son no longer required that sacrifice.  Easter is a reminder that salvation comes through Jesus Christ.

Easter is a reminder that when we die we will we will experience a everlasting life in Heaven where there will no longer be any sorrow.  Easter is a reminder that God has overcome the putrid smell of death by assuring each of us in Christ that we will see Christ when we pass from this earth.

Easter is a reminder that Heaven is our reward after we leave this sin forsaken place we call earth. As Maria's dad it is a reminder that Maria is experiencing something so wonderful in Heaven. As my son said to me, "Dad, do  you really think Maria would like to come back to earth knowing what she is experiencing in heaven?"

1 comment:

  1. If you would like to know the one that helped me through this painful journey all you have to do is say this simple prayer: "Dear Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and that no matter what I do I can never earn my way to heaven. I open up the door to my heart and invite you to come in and be with me forever. I know from your word that once I invite you in I have the assurance of spending eternity with you once my life on earth ends. Amen".
