
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wouldn't it be cool that in honor of Thanksgiving we all became organ donors?


2 Corinthians 4:16New Life Version (NLV)
Life Now—Life in Heaven
16 This is the reason we do not give up. Our human body is wearing out. But our spirits are getting stronger every day.

The other day I read about Minnesota baseball legion Rod Carew's plight with death. Still active helping  the Minnesota Twin's,  Carew felt a burning sensation in his chest and clammy hands while playing golf at the Corona's Cresta Verde Golf course in Californa. Mike Digiovanna, contact reporter with the Los Angeles Times writes about that incident in his recent column:

'After hitting his drive down the middle of the first fairway at Corona’s Cresta Verde Golf Course on Sept. 20, Carew’s chest began to burn, and his hands grew clammy. He returned to the clubhouse, crumpled to the floor and asked a woman to call a paramedic.

The next thing he knew,“There was a guy with two paddles in his hands, saying, ‘Hurry, we’re losing him!’ ” Carew said. Carew’s heart stopped beating. Twice. Both times, he was revived. When Carew woke up in the emergency room of Riverside Community Hospital, he was told he suffered a major heart attack.

Rod Carew at the age of 70 needs a new heart to replace his failing one. As a temporary fix Rod Carew received a computer-controlled, battery operated pump known as a left ventricular assist device (LVAD)

 There is something else I want to share about Rod Carew. In 1996. Rod Carew's 18-year-old daughter died from a rare form of Leukemia while waiting for a donor bone marrow which in the end could never be found, or was the match she needed.

In 1996 Minnesota Baseball legion, the sports figure every kid idolized joined the club no parent ever wanted to belong: parents who have lost a child. As a dad who belongs to such a club I can tell you that the pain from this loss is unlike any other. 

No parent is ever prepared to bury a child, no matter what the age.

There is another aspect to this blog and that is the shortage of  organ donors.. Rod Carew's daughter needed bone marrow and had a match been found she might still be alive today. Rod Carew needs a donated heart.  Each day, for example, 22 people die waiting for an organ that never comes because of a shortage of them,  while one person is added to the waiting list every 10 minutes. For more statistics on this you can go to this link:

No one wants to consider their eventual demise. We all think we are going to live to be 90 and consequently it is hard for any of us to wrap our fingers around donating our organs. Yet, the greatest act of love everyone of us can do is sign up to be a organ donor. 

Now that you understand the dire need for new organs I encourage you to go to this website to register to be a donor in Minnesota. For all other states go to Donate the gift of life and type in the state you live in and sign up at your state's site.

As a believer I know where my daughter is at this moment. She is in heaven enjoying all of the benefits of her forever home. Knowing this I have a certain peace that the world may not understand which helps me face my grief with the influence of  God's Holy Spirit.  If you aren't sure if you are a Christian you can be sure reciting this prayer:

Dear Lord,

I admit that I am a sinner. I have done many things that don’t please you. I have lived my life for myself. I am sorry and I repent. I ask you toforgive me. I believe that you died on the cross for me, to save me. You did what I could not do for myself. I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life, I give it to you. Help me to live every day in a way that pleases you. I love you, Lord, and I thank you that I will spend all eternity with you.

One last thing. in honor of Thanksgiving day won't you consider signing up to be a organ donor today.  Lives are counting on it.

Friday, November 20, 2015

One day while listening to KTIS 900 AM

13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

It started off with a simple post from a friend who helps moderate his radio program. Simple words. "Pray for the Austin Hill show, minus Austin." Not sure what that meant I thought he must have taken a vacation and my friend was doing the show solo.

Then, later that afternoon my wife out of the blue asked if I knew that Austin Hill died? I said no and then I saw the connecting dots.  My wife listens to Austin Hill every week on her drive time to work. I decided to do some research and discovered that Austin was only 51 years old, had a wife and a 16-year-old son.  My son said there was profound sadness on the University of Northwestern St. Paul campus as word spread about his death.

Life starts off like a smooth running machine with not a care in the world until, that is, we hear about the death of a friend. When we receive such news it is as though we just got punched in the gut. It stings. We hurt emotionally and physically. The smooth running machine now comes to a screeching halt. We search through the manuals in hopes of finding what we need to get it operating again. Some  try to bury the emotional pain in their metal boxes with-in, while others process that pain by talking and sharing it with other willing listeners.

The ones in the former group may try to bury their pain in alcohol, drugs or long hours at work which only leads to the undercurrent of cancer  growing cells which only leads to more grief.

Every time I hear about the death of a younger person I am reminded how fragile life is for all of us. I am  reminded that Jesus Christ ended this painful sorrow the moment he ascended to heaven exclaiming to all  that "I have gone to prepare a place for you". Because of what Jesus did on the cross death has lost its sting. Sure we hurt when someone we know dies, but God assures us in his word, in our dreams, and in the sermon messages that our loved one  has finished the course, has won the good fight and is in the presence of our Lord.

 Meanwhile, the mission for the rest of us is to share the message of hope to people by sharing how  life changed the moment you received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of your life.

 Our pain is meant to be shared and when our pain is placed into the context of what Jesus has done for us, others will breathe a sigh of relief and come to Christ.

The next time a friend dies lean into your pain and ask God to give you the boldness to share that pain so others may find the living Savior.

  While Austin is experiencing the beauty of heaven we still have a mission  to share God's love with as many people as we encounter; until that is we breathe our last breath and find ourselves in the very presence of the beauty of heaven.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Girl who Paints Heaven! - Akiane Kramerik

Jesus said to Nicodemus, “I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven-the Son of Man” (John 3:12-13).

I must admit that this time of year is hard on me. The shorter days combined with the lack of natural sunlight occasionally sends me into periods of sadness. While talking with other that are grieving I find that this is not an uncommon problem. Which is why I love reading things about heaven.  I want to know the place I will be spending my eternal life once this earthly body wears out. All of us who have experience the loss of someone special want to know that their loved one is in a safe place. They want to picture their loved one in their dreams enjoying heaven; it is what gives them the most comfort. 

God uses little children to reveal his truth. The church  I attend has had for many years a kid's prayer team where children learn how to pray. Over those same year's I have been amazed at some of the prayer's  that have flowed out of their mouths.

Colton, the little 4 -year-old who died and went to heaven very vividly described people he had never met to his mom and dad who recognize the people he had seen. Out of the mouth of a 4-year-old God reveals the truth of heaven.

God used another little girl by the name of Akiane who was only 4 when God gave her visions of heaven. When I first heard about this little girl  I was awestruck by the realism of her paintings. She started seeing visions of heaven which is amazing when one considers that her family had no religious foundation, no faith and no knowledge of the bible; yet God gave Akiane the gift knowing God's truth and a gift that every painter wished they had. It is as though God is giving us who know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior the  assurance that our lives are secure when we have Jesus

Akiane was given a gift to share with the world searching for him. God uses the least among us to shame the wise among us and he does so by placing God's truth in us.  When Moses was so insecure to be God's mouthpiece,  he gave Moses Aaron to speak on his behalf. In the book of Numbers 22:29 God opened up the mouth of a donkey and spoke his truth to Balaam: "What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?"

It is really amazing to see God work.  While most American's are apt to not believe, God is revealing himself in the dreams of Muslim people resulting in  hundreds of thousands of conversions; and He is also revealing himself in the dreams of those on death's doorstep.

 The next time you see a homeless man on the street or a person with a developmental disability, remember God just might be using them to reveal his truth.

Finally, remember the words of Jeus Christ from Hebrews 10 and do not let the naysayer's, the dregs of the world, the worse of the worst drag you down. for their day will come and when it does they will b e in a bit of a surprise that they chose the wrong path to true freedom: 

2-39 Remember those early days after you first saw the light? Those were the hard times! Kicked around in public, targets of every kind of abuse—some days it was you, other days your friends. If some friends went to prison, you stuck by them. If some enemies broke in and seized your goods, you let them go with a smile, knowing they couldn’t touch your real treasure. Nothing they did bothered you, nothing set you back. So don’t throw it all away now. You were sure of yourselves then. It’s still a sure thing! But you need to stick it out, staying with God’s plan so you’ll be there for the promised completion.
It won’t be long now, he’s on the way;
he’ll show up most any minute.
But anyone who is right with me thrives on loyal trust;
if he cuts and runs, I won’t be very happy.

But we’re not quitters who lose out. Oh, no! We’ll stay with it and survive, trusting all the way.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

In every town in America there is grief. It comes in all shapes and sizes. This is a fictional story about a fire chief and a strong believer who recounts his days of his faith and how God had shown up in his life

43 Our bodies are buried in brokenness, but they will be raised in glory. They are buried in weakness, but they will be raised in strength. 1 Corinthians 15:43

It was 4 am.  Captain John Reisling was the last to leave the scene of the fire. A fire that took the life out of the Eddington Potato processing plant, the second to the largest employer in town. Only the school system and the municipality had more.

 As was his custom following these events, Captain Resling  would be the last to leave the scene.  He would often reflect on the night's events by praying for his men and the families effected by the fire; tonight he would pray for the livelihoods of those displaced by the fire.

John and his wife, Patty were members of the Eddington Evangelical Free Church where they attended. Patty often sang in the choir while he would rotate between ushering and teaching Sunday school.  Over the years of being a fire fighter he has witnessed supernatural protection of his men and  the lives they had saved. As a Christian he only had one explanation and that was his living Savior Jesus Christ.  As much as the secular media would try to white wash all these events John knew that it was God who had shown up all those years.

John accepted Christ as his Savior at 18. He remembers vividly  hearing the four spiritual laws through a friend of his and being so touched by his friends testimony that he knew that Jesus was at that moment knocking on the door of his heart. He remembered telling his parents and his brother and 3 sisters the next day about his decision and seeing his mom cry tears of joy because she had been praying for each of her kids that they would decide for themselves to follow Jesus and not just blindly follow the faith of his parents.

Tonight, he was in a particularly reflective mood. Standing at the scene of this fire he remembered some of the previous life-saving missions of his men. In each case he remembered how God had shown up at the scene.

He remembered one blaze where one of his guys became trapped when the ceiling collapsed on him and how two of his guys were able to lift the very heavy beam above him while another guy dragged him out from beneath. That young man survived his ordeal and later made a decision to accept Christ. He now has a wife and several adopted children and are members of the same Eddington Free Church. Every time he sees him John would see Joy and absolute peace radiant from him from simple conversations to how he loves his family.

He remembers how God showed up in those situations where lives could not be saved.

Years ago he and Patty lost their youngest son when he had a allergic reaction to a medication that for many would helped them, but for his youngest would be the cause of his death. He remembered vividly the 9-1-1 call his wife made where not only the police chaplain showed up, but their own children's Pastor. He knew that Pastor Jerry had just happened to get back from a trip on that very day his family needed him.

When the EMT came out and said in the most despondent voice, no parent would ever want to hear, that they tried everything, but they couldn't bring their son back It was at that point that Pastor Jerry was there to support his family. For many months and years John wrestled with God on the 'why's' of that night and selfishly accused God of taking one of his kids when he did everything for God from going to church with his family week after week to spending time with them.

 Through time and talking with many of his friends  John realized that it wasn't just his family who were weeping, but Jesus was also was weeping for them.   He sense over the course of several years God showing up in very supernatural ways ministering to each of them.

He eventually turned the corner of his grief when he realized that his youngest son's earthly existence ended because we live in a fallen world. He also realized that his youngest was in the very presence of Jesus and enjoying the fruits of heaven and that one day his whole family would be united with him.

He also saw on a spiritual level how God was shaping his children's faith through it all.

As he walked through the puddles of water from the former blaze he recalled another scene his crew responded to. It was a life-saving incident at the Eddington middle school where one of the soccer players went into respiratory arrest.

The school had recently bought a defibrillator when the coaches son  suddenly collapsed on the field. He was at the game and watched as the coach sent someone into the school to retrieve the defibrillator. He and some of his fellow EMT's ran down to the field and performed CPR on his son. It seemed like minutes with little success before the defribrillator arrived.  It wasn't until they shocked him with the defibrillator that life returned to him. He remembers sitting in on a school board meeting just a year before that incident when the board was debating on whether the defibrillator would be worth the cost or if the money would be better spent on school supplies.

When the coaches son took his first breath John knew that the cost was worth it.

Captain John said his final prayers before getting in his car to return home to his wife.  He was looking forward to handing the reigns of his position to a younger man and  to retiring in several  years.

He reflected on that decision he made at 18 and all of the blessings that flowed from that decision. He remembered God bringing Patty into his life and how strong she was for him.  He remembered his now grown kids and God shaping each of them, even in the face of the loss.

 He recalled the blessings that flowed from their involvement at the Eddington Evangelical Free Church where in the days following their loss telling his kids that if we don't go to church every time we don't feel like going we may miss out on the opportunity of being blessed with a kind word from a friend, or a timely message by the pastor.

 He remembered how each child always got ready for Sunday church from that moment on and he smiled as he sees their now grown children honoring their commitment to the Lord on the Sabbath. He got into his truck, turned on the music which was at that moment playing amazing grace

As he drove away he began to sing the  lyrics from that song. As he did so he thanked God for his amazing life.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again - Phantom of the Opera- Jesus love for those who grieve

14 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God[a]; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”

In preparation for our family going to the Legacy Christian Academy's production of Phantom of the Opera she went on line to listen to some of the songs.

My lovely bride, the mother of our daughter Maria, asked me to listen to the song lyrics of this famous song. She thought it fitting to put the lyrics on my On Wings of Eagles site.  I agreed.

These lyrics are often what all of us feel after a loved one dies. Where once they were warm and alive and now they are gone from our lives forever.  They're gone, but we still feel their presence in our dreams and when we see their earthly possessions.  If you can picture this woman singing this song while trying to find her father's grave stone you will get a sense of her desperation in trying to get past the loss she had suffered.

 The time period it takes to process one's loss is dependent upon the relatiionshp you had with that person. There is no time table for processing grief and consequently you should not feel that you should move on simply because someone suggests to you that you are spending way too much time dwelling your loved one.

There is no doubt that grief stings. Like the trip to the doctors office the worrying we do on the days leading up to the trip is far worse than the actual appointment. There were times n my loss that I had wished I had stock in Kimberly-Clark, the makers of Kleenex tissues because I sure was buying plenty of their product.

As we 'lament' over our loved one who has departed we should remember that the bible reminds us that Jesus wept.  He wept for his friend Lazarus.  Two simple words and the shortest sentence in the bible illustrates God's  humanity for his people.  To simple words reminding us of God's love for our loved one now departed and for us as well.  

Jesus wants to be your guide on this journey of loss. There are days where you barely have enough energy to get out of bed and your faith may be weak, but like our families grief ask God to give you what you what you need to get through the day.

He will.