
Friday, October 31, 2014

Could it be that the rituals of Halloween are a cultural stronghold in our lives?

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14

What is the harm of taking our kids door to door trick or treating? Our kids will be left out if we don't give them permission to go to that school Halloween party. Grandma and grandpa will love seeing them in their Halloween costumes! What is the harm of it all, after all I did these things when I was younger and I turned out OK.
These are examples of cultural strongholds that cling to our lives. Like going up against an evil giant they refuse to die. These cultural strongholds are very real and have origins to evil pagan traditions.

The Mason's are one such group that most people see as a 'good' group, but the reality is this group is a very evil organization with satanic roots. They have the appearance of doing good with their Shrine circuses that have entertained kids forever and their contributions of money to worthwhile causes certainly have that same appearance; yet, when you research the history of the Mason's you find they are anything but 'good' Here is a CBS video that gives you a glimpse of this secret group:

What I found interesting was how they attempted to debunk all of the conspiracy theories about this organization, but in the end there was a 'secret, closed door society they refused to share. Satan loves to parade in secrecy, in darkness, in a shroud of mystic. Just like their work they do through the Shriner's hospitals for children trick or treating has become the rallying cry of why we should allow our children to trick or treat.

As Christian's is this what we ought to be doing to our children? To introduce the powers of darkness through the innocence of taking them door to door, dressed in scary costumes in the name of fun?

My own personal opinion is that it is not. My opinion as a believer in Jesus Christ and a child of the light that we must have no part of this pagan tradition because once you open the door just a crack one day other forces of evil will push it wide open. They will come masquerading like the free mason's luring you in because everyone's doing it mentality. After all, who wouldn't want to be a mason with an allstar membership lineup of theirs?

We ought to instead mentor our children into the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ, teach them and help them memorize the word of God by attending a church with a great children's program.

We do this we are raising an awesome generation of children who will be able to defeat the strongholds of Halloween and bring people to Christ.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Why as believer's in Jesus Christ we ought not celebrate Halloween?

6 Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. John 14:6

In only a few short days families will be dressing their children to look like goblins, witches, ghosts, or their favorite character in a horror show they have watched. As a father I was torn by this so called holiday. At a time when public schools have taken out any resemblance of the celebration of the birth of Christ many schools continue the tradition of Halloween.

I know I will end up stepping on toes of people who see no harm being done in celebrating it. As a dad who experienced a loss of a child and who has sought God's own heart to help me recover from this grief I see this 'holiday' differently.

As a child I remember dressing up as a ghost and going door to door to collect candy. I remember playing with the Ouija board with friends and thinking it was just a harmful game. As I got older I would get together with friends to watch so called innocent movies of horror. At the Junior high dance they would show Alfred Hitchcock's 'The Birds' in the gym for those who didn't want to dance.

Our culture is so occupied with death that we think it is Ok for people to choose to die when any amount of suffering comes into their lives. When we become incapacitated we see death as our escape from suffering rather than an opportunity to  teach our younger generation what it means to live as we suffer.

 I see Halloween not acceptable because in it we are celebrating death and allowing for the remote possibility of evil spirits to come into our lives.

The question becomes, 'is this really what we should be doing to our children?' Are we setting the very foundation where our kids will reject any possibility of declaring Jesus as Savior and Lord as they begin their own flight from our homes? Lastly, should we instead be celebrating life and freedom through the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?

My concern for this 'holiday' is it has become so ingrained in our lives. We take our kids trick and treating because it was something we experienced as kids. We have our kids bob for apples because it was something we did as kids. If we are not careful our lives become nothing more than celebrating 'rituals' instead of celebrating true freedom from those rituals that Jesus Christ gave to us.

We live in Anoka County near a city that is unfortunately known as the 'Halloween capital of the world'. Every Saturday before Halloween  they would have a annual parade down main street Anoka with floats, marching bands and of course children dressed up in costumes. I am happy to say that our family has never gone to any of these parades simply because we wanted to avoid any introduction of evil spirits, but yet I know the turnout for these parades is huge with families coming from miles around the metro area just to be there. 

At one point I thought the city of Anoka should eliminate Halloween as a theme and in place of it create the Lake Wobegon days in honor of our own Garrison Keillor.

Some say we should partake in this holiday to be 'salt and light' to a hurting community. I say there are other ways to be salt and light than giving honor where none is deserved for this holiday.

In the end each person needs to decide on their own how they want to celebrate this day with their kids. I am reminded by the verse from Joshua 24:15"but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Lastly, there is hope for anyone who is tormented by evil spirits. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ wants to free you of the powers of darkness. With the help of a freedom appointment and prayer restoration ministries you can gain true freedom from the powers of darkness. Our church as well as many others have such ministries to help you. Here is our churches link to freedom in Christ

The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord make His face shine on you,And be gracious to you;
he Lord lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace.’

Friday, October 24, 2014

Dialogue with with Jesus one day at Panera

6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all[a]comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

One morning at the local Panera bakery shop where Todd had hunkered down to have a cup of coffee while reading from his bible and writing in his journal Jesus stopped by to visit. Surprised and bewildered Todd immediately identified Jesus and asked him to join him. Jesus took a seat on the opposite side of the booth and noticed the 365 days with Wilberforce devotional Todd had opened next to his bible.

"I remember Mr. Wiberforce so well." Jesus declared, "I remember the restless nights he had as he pursued the bill before the English Parliament to outlaw the slave industry. Those were very painful days for him, especially after his visit with John Newton, another man who suffered greatly."

Todd looked with interest, " tell me about John Newton."
Jesus reflected on Todd's words.

 "John Newton was involved in an organization known as the Atlantic slave trade. He had no religious convictions until one night a violent storm was threatening to swamp his ship. John Newton immediately cried out to God and that night I came into his life and helped him change  his life. He began to have severe remorse over the slave trade as he saw men, woman and children being treated horribly. You might remember the song John Newton wrote. With excitement in his voice Todd remembered. " Yes, Amazing Grace. We would sing that song a lot in church."

Todd remembered the calming of the seas from the New Testament, "you calmed the storm in John Newton's life like you did when your disciples cried out to you on the sea."

Jesus asked a question, "What lesson did you learn from that picture?"  Todd thought then added, "that when the people you love cry out to you that you will calm the storm in their lives."

There was a long pause before Jesus added with a tear in his eye.

"I remember after  I heard that your daughter had died that June 10 2007 night how I cried for your family." Jesus paused, "I remember answering the prayers of the teachers and the students from the school Maria attended that her surgery would go well and that she would heal fast.  I remember the prayers of your family for the same reason. It was my intent to see her grow into a young adult."

Todd reflected on a memory of his kids. "You knew that both of our kids were on the Kid's prayer team at Crystal Evangelical Free church."  Jesus smiled remembering.

 "Ah yes, those prayers of little children, I heard every single one. I loved how they prayed those prayers fully knowing those prayers would be answered."

Todd shared a concern with Jesus. "Jesus, how come it seems that when everything is going right in our lives we neglect you, but when our lives are tossed upside down we cry out to  you?"

Jesus thought about what Todd had said before giving a response, "If only they knew that I want to be in their lives no matter if it is a crisis, or they have been especially blessed like the addition of a new family member, a new job, or a promotion at work.

 Jesus paused before adding, "I admire your heart as you come here to this place every morning to make new memories out of a place where you had taken your family of four out for meals." Todd thought about what Jesus said, " After Maria died I couldn't so much drive by this place without feeling such deep prolong sorrow."

 Jesus paused to reflect on those words,"Todd, you are so right about leaning into your grief and trusting that I will guide you through the grief process."  Jesus paused again, " You know, many people tend to run from their grief by moving away from the places they previously experienced positive memories with loved ones no longer with them. They try to bury their pain in their work, or in long moments of solitude of drinking too much, using drugs, or anything they think will make their pain go away, but they do everything but cry out to me. Many get angry and blame me for the loss of their loved one. Some stop believing in me. They pursue a path of unbelief. They fail to realize that we live in a fallen world where things go wrong.If only they can see the the bigger picture that all things will be made new again."
Todd looks at his watch and notices he has to begin his drive to work. Jesus noticed. "I will let you get on with your day. Remember Todd, I am only a simple prayer away."

  Todd shuffles his papers together along with his bible and devotional  and as he walked out he looked back and watched Jesus walk over to another person with a pained expression in her eyes. As she saw Jesus she smiled and asked him to join her.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A former Jihad Muslim shares his testimony of become a Christian

His name (Ishmael) was given by God through the angel, and stands as a perpetual reminder of God's mercy. Ishmael means “God hears” - and understands, and will respond in your times of need. It's in the Bible, the Torah, Genesis 16:7-11, RSV. “The angel of the Lord found her by a spring of water in the wilderness the spring on the way to Shur. And he said, "Hagar, maid of Sarai, where have you come from and where are you going?" She said, "I am fleeing from my mistress Sarai." The angel of the Lord said to her, "Return to your mistress, and submit to her." The angel of the Lord also said to her, "I will so greatly multiply your descendants that they cannot be numbered for multitude." And the angel of the Lord said to her, "Behold, you are with child, and shall bear a son; you shall call his name Ishmael; because the Lord has given heed to your affliction.”

My wife and I saw the latest Left behind movie last night and later that evening I decided to espouse more on this movie.

More than a movie about pilot-less airplanes crashing into the ground, school buses going off bridges and utter chaos breaking out in the shopping mall when thousands of little children perish leaving nothing but their clothes in their parents arms, this movie is a wake up call to all of us about the coming days.
Let me clarify that no one knows the hour, day or age that this will occur (Matthew 24:26), but one day our Lord and Savior will come and gather those that know him and bring them to heaven. The good news of Jesus Christ is that he wants NO-ONE to perish and he wants everyone to come to him.

Like a good shepherd he is looking for every lost sheep. (Matthew 18:12). There are many who have delayed making the decision to accept Christ believing they still have time after they see the world, accomplish some business deals, raise a family, seek their career objectives and in their mind they believe they have time to seek what God has to offer.

In the scriptures there is a passage in the book of Luke 15:11-32 that talks about the prodigal son. In this passage the man had two sons. One son did all the right things that pleased his father while the other son asked for his portion of the inheritance so he could go off on a journey. This son lead a life of wanton pleasure, but when a severe famine came across the land he lost everything and came back to his father and begged him to make him a common farm hand knowing that they ate better than he was currently.

The reaction of his father was one of excitement when he saw his son return through the gates. He hugged his son and slaughtered a calf in his honor. What this passage illustrates is the love God has for everyone out there who considers themselves to be prodigal son's and daughter's.

God did one thing better. He killed for all time the need for Jewish people to offer 3 daily sacrifices,;he kill for all time for those of the Muslim faith the need to perform daily rituals and he killed for all time our belief that we have to be perfect in every way to please God. Our God has enough love in his heart for all people. Every Jewish person, every person of the Muslim faith, every Asian, and anyone else searching but not finding a purpose for life's existence. No matter where you in in this life we are all prodigal son's and daughters. We are all rebelling against God which is why everyone of us need a Savior. God provided that Savior to bring everyone to him.

In the book of Revelation are written these words (Revelation 3:20) 'Behold I stand at the door and knock. If ANYONE hears my voice and OPENS the door, I will come into him, and eat with him and he with me' If you do not know this Savior he is right now knocking at the door of your heart.

The question becomes will you (a) ignore the knock and continue leading the life you want to lead, (b) open the door and invite Jesus to come in and change you from the inside out, (c) or will you tell whoever is out there to go away because you have no need for him?

In the spring of 1974 I heard his voice in a tiny little church 'coffee house' in Minnetonka, Minnesota. I opened that door and invited him into my life.That evening he came and made a place in my heart. . I can honestlytell you that it was the greatest decision on all my life. If you are wondering about this Jesus after seeing the Left Behind movie please do one thing better and pray this prayer:

Dear Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I have searched far and wide for the truth. My college professors didn't have it. The far eastern religions didn't offer it. The rituals didn't offer it and were too exhausting with no promise at the end. You alone make it possible to know eternal life. I open the door to my heart and invite you to come into my life. I know from your word, John 3:16 and 1 John 5:13 that I have the assurance of salvation. Thank you Jesus for this free gift offered to me with no strings attached.

If you said this prayer you can be assured that you will never be Left Behind.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Will you be left behind? God wants all to come to Christ, even our Muslim friends



His name (Ishmael) was given by God through the angel, and stands as a perpetual reminder of God's mercy. Ishmael means “God hears” - and understands, and will respond in your times of need. It's in the Bible, the Torah, Genesis 16:7-11, RSV. “The angel of the Lord found her by a spring of water in the wilderness the spring on the way to Shur. And he said, "Hagar, maid of Sarai, where have you come from and where are you going?" She said, "I am fleeing from my mistress Sarai." The angel of the Lord said to her, "Return to your mistress, and submit to her." The angel of the Lord also said to her, "I will so greatly multiply your descendants that they cannot be numbered for multitude." And the angel of the Lord said to her, "Behold, you are with child, and shall bear a son; you shall call his name Ishmael; because the Lord has given heed to your affliction.”

My wife and I saw the latest Left behind movie last night and later that evening I decided to espouse more on this movie.

More than a movie about pilot-less airplanes crashing into the ground, school buses going off bridges and utter chaos breaking out in the shopping mall when thousands of little children perish leaving nothing but their clothes in their parents arms, this movie is a wake up call to all of us about the coming days.
Let me clarify that no one knows the hour, day or age that this will occur (Matthew 24:26), but one day our Lord and Savior will come and gather those that know him and bring them to heaven. The good news of Jesus Christ is that he wants NO-ONE to perish and he wants everyone to come to him.

Like a good shepherd he is looking for every lost sheep. (Matthew 18:12). There are many who have delayed making the decision to accept Christ believing they still have time after they see the world, accomplish some business deals, raise a family, seek their career objectives and in their mind they believe they have time to seek what God has to offer.

In the scriptures there is a passage in the book of Luke 15:11-32 that talks about the prodigal son. In this passage the man had two sons. One son did all the right things that pleased his father while the other son asked for his portion of the inheritance so he could go off on a journey. This son lead a life of wanton pleasure, but when a severe famine came across the land he lost everything and came back to his father and begged him to make him a common farm hand knowing that they ate better than he was currently.

The reaction of his father was one of excitement when he saw his son return through the gates. He hugged his son and slaughtered a calf in his honor. What this passage illustrates is the love God has for everyone out there who considers themselves to be prodigal son's and daughter's.

God did one thing better. He killed for all time the need for Jewish people to offer 3 daily sacrifices,;he kill for all time for those of the Muslim faith the need to perform daily rituals and he killed for all time our belief that we have to be perfect in every way to please God. Our God has enough love in his heart for all people. Every Jewish person, every person of the Muslim faith, every Asian, and anyone else searching but not finding a purpose for life's existence. No matter where you in in this life we are all prodigal son's and daughters. We are all rebelling against God which is why everyone of us need a Savior. God provided that Savior to bring everyone to him.

In the book of Revelation are written these words (Revelation 3:20) 'Behold I stand at the door and knock. If ANYONE hears my voice and OPENS the door, I will come into him, and eat with him and he with me' If you do not know this Savior he is right now knocking at the door of your heart.

The question becomes will you (a) ignore the knock and continue leading the life you want to lead, (b) open the door and invite Jesus to come in and change you from the inside out, (c) or will you tell whoever is out there to go away because you have no need for him?

In the spring of 1974 I heard his voice in a tiny little church 'coffee house' in Minnetonka, Minnesota. I opened that door and invited him into my life.That evening he came and made a place in my heart. . I can honestlytell you that it was the greatest decision on all my life. If you are wondering about this Jesus after seeing the Left Behind movie please do one thing better and pray this prayer:

Dear Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I have searched far and wide for the truth. My college professors didn't have it. The far eastern religions didn't offer it. The rituals didn't offer it and were too exhausting with no promise at the end. You alone make it possible to know eternal life. I open the door to my heart and invite you to come into my life. I know from your word, John 3:16 and 1 John 5:13 that I have the assurance of salvation. Thank you Jesus for this free gift offered to me with no strings attached.

If you said this prayer you can be assured that you will never be Left Behind.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Forgiveness, not entitlements are the key to recovery from our pain and suffering

Colossians 3:13
13 bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you.

After our Sunday school class my wife and I had the privilege of taking our teacher out to lunch. After discovering  that he loves Chinese ( triple smiles from me) we treated him at a nearby restaurant. To protect his identity I won't be posting his name on this blog, but I can tell you that he has been teaching us on the topic of radical Islam in an effort to help us understand what is going on right now in the middle east.

 He has brought scripture to light along with a keen understanding of this Isis movement currently sweeping across Syria and Iraq.  After hearing him tell us about his family whom he enjoys close relationships with  our topic switched to pain and suffering when he asked us if we had any other children besides our 20 year old son.

 Linda shared the story  of our daughter Maria and the surgery she had the summer of 2007 when she died because the Codeine she was prescribed failed to metabolize in her 10 year old body and since her death we learned that kids under 12 should never be prescribed this drug.  

We got on the topic of child deaths in the rest of the world and how only in America do you have this entitlement mentality.  I postulated that in America we have trial lawyers ready to  pounce on any given perceived injustice.  I quickly did a Wikipedia search on trial lawyers later at home.

According to Wikipedia, there were 1,225,452 licensed attorneys in the United States.[2] A 2012 survey conducted by LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell determined 58 million consumers in the U.S. sought an attorney in the last year and that 76 percent of consumers used the Internet to search for an attorney.[3]

My wife offered the idea that in America parents have this notion that they are entitled to bring up their children free from pain an suffering.  I quickly added that trial lawyers often advertise on late night television  ( when most people in distress are up) selling their services like snake oil sales people.

So, it seems when we press on toward monetary damages we avoid moving through the healing process of our grief. As my former boss warned, "no amount of money will ever satisfy the loss of your daughter.....remember the story of Judas and what he did to the silver coins when remorse settled in". He knew the consequences because of his extensive expert witness background.

The three of us agreed that the most important thing we can do in our pain and suffering is to call on God and and ask him to  help us in with our pain BECAUSE he knew what we are going through with the suffering of his son Jesus Christ.

Finally, those in the medical profession do not set out asking themselves, "how much evil can I perpetrate today."  Quite the contrary, they enter this profession because they truly want to make a difference in the world by providing the essential services they  need to minimize their pain and suffering.  Unfortunately, we live in a world that is imperfect. One medication is the panacea for one person may not be for another person.

The good news, however, is we have a God who makes all things new again. Simply by relying on the Holy Spirit he will show us through our pain and suffering and bring us out the other side more resilient, emotionally and physically stronger, and with a credible platform that will lead people to the cross.  Charles Stanley, in this video, will help you move from anger to forgiveness.

Forgiveness, not entitlements are the key to recovery.

Friday, October 10, 2014

The key to preventing suicide is this.........listen, let them talk, listen without judging what they are going through

19 [a]This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; James 1:19

Recently, there have been much written about suicide in this country. The Star Tribune reported that the suicide rate in Minnesota has gone up by 26% and nobody seems to understand why this is occurring. As a dad who experience the loss of his 10 year old daughter suddenly and unexpectedly I can understand. Now that I am beginning to feel my old self I was before the loss I  can understand why people go there. In fact, I am convinced that everyone of us is just one major crisis away from entertaining thoughts of suicide. It is when people find themselves in deep pain where they see no way out of their endless suffering when Satan does his greatest work telling the lies that death is better than living.   

Kevin Briggs is a retired police officer who has a new mission in life. He is one of those trained suicide prevention officers that roams the San Francisco Bay bridge in search of people on the verge of ending their life. He shared some amazing stories in this clip of the people he was able to persuade to give life another chance. 

He offers some advice to the rest of us that truly works with suicidal people. Simple advice that doesn't require you to have a PH.D to carry it out.

(1) Listen.  Kevin Briggs said what suicidal people need more than anything is someone to take the time to listen to them.  Listening  attentively sends a message that they are important. Listening allows them to put into their own words the suffering they are under.  It shows value to the other person.

(2) Let them talk. It isn't always easy to let the other person do all the talking because we think we have the words of wisdom that will give them the desire to keep living. In reality, God gave us one mouth and two ears and I think the message from God that we need to do more listening than yapping.  If my life story is any indication people in the throes of suffering need to be able to share their story as often as it takes for healing to take place.  My friend, Don, understood this well. Shortly after Maria died Don would call me a couple of times a week just to listen to the intensity of my grief. It didn't matter what the emotion was I was experiencing he would let me do all the talking because he understood what I needed to get through the pain of my loss.

(3) Do not judge them by offering them advice that worked for you.  As Christians it is very easy to open up the bible and find a bible verse that you think will make them feel better and make their pain go way. We must refrain from offering spiritual advice at this stage of their pain. They need you to let them talk and for you to listen. It is down the road when the danger of suicide diminishes that there will be time to build them up on a spiritual level.

Listen to them and let them talk without casting judgement are the keys to working with people in distress.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

That prolong sense of long suffering grief


Matthew 11:28-30New American Standard Bible (NASB)
28 “Come to Me, all [a]who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is [b]easy and My burden is light.”

It often isn't until many of us leave home that we begin to process the many painful losses in our lives. It is when we step on the campus of the place we will call home when that prolong sense of grief begins to hit us. Those losses we thought we had successfully boxed up and slid into the back corners of our mind suddenly shifts its weight and crashes to the ground  in our information storage center we  refer to as the brain. Those losses we were able to hide as teenagers come to the surface as we begin our new chapter in life.

That is how this prolong sense of long suffering grief operates.

It is why thousands of teenagers turn to alcohol and drugs.

It is why heroine is making a comeback.

Unless a person learns how to share their sense of prolong suffering they are likely to try to medicate it with weed, ecstasy, or any other illicit drug they can lay their hands on. We all do it.  Somehow this prolong sense of long suffering has to get processed and without the ability to open up with another person for the contents of that shattered box to be shared drugs will often be used to relieve that pain.

It is why Jesus Christ died for you. It is why Christ modeled what it means to share your pain when he brought 12 men together to share the good news of salvation. He knew that when it was time for him to leave his earthly existence in exchange for a heavenly one that there would be prolong sense of loss in those left behind. He wanted those he brought together to confide in each other the inner turmoil they were feeling in the days and weeks after his passing.

What is your prolong sense of long suffering? What are you dealing with today that drives you to activities that are not necessarily healthy? Instead of trying to put everything that came crashing to the floor back in the box I encourage you to tell someone about those contents you felt from those long ago memories you thought you had put away for good. Tell a trusted friend.

Then talk to God about this prolong sense of long suffering. He understands.

He was there as he watched his son, Jesus, being crucified. Although God knew that sacrificing his son was the only way he could wipe the slate clean to enable all to come to Him, God felt the same prolong sense of long suffering as you do.

It is possible to process the pain without drugs, or alcohol simply by learning to embrace those losses and telling others about them. 

As you do so you will begin to find that others will begin to share their own sense of long suffering with you. As you do this a beautiful thing happens. Friendships develop and grow at a much deeper level than when that pain was all neatly packaged and stuffed into the back of our storage container.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

We must not allow ISSIS to win the propaganda war for our hearts, our mind and our souls

8 For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsomeand gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them].Philippians 4:8

I was reflecting on the above verse in my sleep as I collectively thought about the world news events from the past month. Isis beheadings with the threat of more beheadings to ordinary aide workers, Ebola deaths and the threat this disease has as it spreads are some of the disturbing reports that drove me to despair.

Since the world trade towers attack on September 11th, 2001 more people have been diagnosed with depression.

In one research study on Stress, depression and anxiety, A survey of New York City residents in the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks found high levels of both depression and posttraumaticstress disorder (PTSD) among respondents and documented an increase in substance abuse. The authors of this article which you can find at this link (,) go on with these comments:

Stress has long been recognized as one of the most powerful triggers for drug craving and relapse to drug abuse. Research has shown that survivors of disasters are prone to stress-related problems such as PTSD and depression. People who experience major trauma and those with PTSD or depression may self-medicate with drugs or alcohol to relax, cope with stress, or relieve symptoms. "This study is one of the first to capture data on the effects of traumatic events on substance abuse patterns," says Dr. Jacques Normand of NIDA's Center on AIDS and Other Medical Consequences of Drug Abuse.

The consequences of all these images of this war are having devastating effects on all of us and we do not necessarily need to be on the front lines of the battlefield to feel them.

Simply listening and watching the world news tonight can have an equally devastating impact on all of us. You might recall ABC news anchor, Peter Jennings died from cancer not long after 911. He said that he began smoking again to cope with the stress associated with the events following September 11th.

There is a battle going on inside each of us. The question is are we going to let all of these collective images, win our minds? After our families traumatic loss I made a determination to keep trudging one foot print at a time and continue to go to church. I made a determination to not be a quitter and not not give up. I had no choice. Drugs were not going to be an option for me to cope with the monster that lied within me. I decided that I would equip my mind on the words of Jesus and while doing so I would I constantly remind myself of God's pass blessings on my life.

Now, please keep in mind that going to church will not necessarily mean your depression will be lifted and you won't ever need medication again, but going to church will allow you to make connections with other people who struggle like you are struggling. I remember one pastor describing the church as a hospital for the sick and when he did so I suddenly had this image not of successful bound people trying to look perfect with perfect families, but people who came because they needed to find hope for their soul.

Jesus Christ does not want to see any of you to perish under the stress of war and the bombardment of images from that war. He paid the price for all of that pain and suffering so that we might come under the influence of His Holy Spirit which dwells in each of us when we have receive Christ in our hearts

16 I will ask the Father, and He will give you another [a]Helper, that He may be with you forever; 17 that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you. John 14:16

We were meant to be with other believers. Our churches were set up to be a mini representation of what heaven will be like, a body of believers that come together to praise and worship our Creator King Jesus Christ. As we establish our roots in the church we will find opportunities to share our pain and suffering with one another. The more we share with others what we are going through the more we will be healed from such afflictions and the less we will need to rely on illicit drugs to cope with that stress.

The bottom line is this: God has given us the ability to survive any propaganda war brought against us by the forces of darkness. Dwell on the goodness of the verses in the bible and you will find rest for your soul

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Border Battle................A Heavenly glimpse

19 [a]Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you [b]always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 29:19-20

Tonight, a border battle between the Green Bay Packers and the Minnesota Vikings is occurring to see which team will have bragging rights over the other. A co-worker, a Christian, was amazed how fanatical people can be watching a football game. Then she added, "if only Christians can get as excited about their faith as those fans."

That evening I drifted off to sleep. Not long after, I awoke standing on a high bluff. As my eyes became more focused I could see a huge panoramic view of what I knew was some of the most incredible views I have ever seen. Not even our families trip to the Grand Canyon could compared to the views I was presently seeing.

I could see mountains. I saw nature like I had never seen. Lakes. Incredible lush trees. Wild life of every kind. Cities in all directions. In one direction I could hear the most beautiful worship songs coming from people/  I focused my eyes and saw people of all nationalities standing and singing together. I saw light skin people, darker skin people, and every color in between singing together as if they had forgotten their differences that kept them apart on earth. I saw people in bodies that were healthy.

I saw worship like I had never heard before. People of all colors singing praises to Jesus Christ. I heard impromptu praise in the form of 'Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus breaking out all over like I heard last Sunday when Viking fans were calling Teddy, Teddy, Teddy every time this young sensation came on the field.

I saw that there were no wars, no fighting in this place. I heard no arguments.Every Nationality, every tribe got along as if they had forgotten their differences that separated them on earth. In this place I saw Jesus as the focus of their worship. I also saw food, lots of food, healthy food being served to  people. I saw celebrations with laughter such I have never heard on earth.

Then I woke up.  I was reminded once again that my life continues with a purpose. To tell everyone about the life changing power of Jesus Christ. To share the love of Jesus to every Muslim,  to every Jewish person, and everyone in between. My life was forever changed in 1974 when someone shared the love of Jesus in my life. Why should I deny others of the same life giving source as I experience then?