
Friday, October 24, 2014

Dialogue with with Jesus one day at Panera

6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all[a]comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

One morning at the local Panera bakery shop where Todd had hunkered down to have a cup of coffee while reading from his bible and writing in his journal Jesus stopped by to visit. Surprised and bewildered Todd immediately identified Jesus and asked him to join him. Jesus took a seat on the opposite side of the booth and noticed the 365 days with Wilberforce devotional Todd had opened next to his bible.

"I remember Mr. Wiberforce so well." Jesus declared, "I remember the restless nights he had as he pursued the bill before the English Parliament to outlaw the slave industry. Those were very painful days for him, especially after his visit with John Newton, another man who suffered greatly."

Todd looked with interest, " tell me about John Newton."
Jesus reflected on Todd's words.

 "John Newton was involved in an organization known as the Atlantic slave trade. He had no religious convictions until one night a violent storm was threatening to swamp his ship. John Newton immediately cried out to God and that night I came into his life and helped him change  his life. He began to have severe remorse over the slave trade as he saw men, woman and children being treated horribly. You might remember the song John Newton wrote. With excitement in his voice Todd remembered. " Yes, Amazing Grace. We would sing that song a lot in church."

Todd remembered the calming of the seas from the New Testament, "you calmed the storm in John Newton's life like you did when your disciples cried out to you on the sea."

Jesus asked a question, "What lesson did you learn from that picture?"  Todd thought then added, "that when the people you love cry out to you that you will calm the storm in their lives."

There was a long pause before Jesus added with a tear in his eye.

"I remember after  I heard that your daughter had died that June 10 2007 night how I cried for your family." Jesus paused, "I remember answering the prayers of the teachers and the students from the school Maria attended that her surgery would go well and that she would heal fast.  I remember the prayers of your family for the same reason. It was my intent to see her grow into a young adult."

Todd reflected on a memory of his kids. "You knew that both of our kids were on the Kid's prayer team at Crystal Evangelical Free church."  Jesus smiled remembering.

 "Ah yes, those prayers of little children, I heard every single one. I loved how they prayed those prayers fully knowing those prayers would be answered."

Todd shared a concern with Jesus. "Jesus, how come it seems that when everything is going right in our lives we neglect you, but when our lives are tossed upside down we cry out to  you?"

Jesus thought about what Todd had said before giving a response, "If only they knew that I want to be in their lives no matter if it is a crisis, or they have been especially blessed like the addition of a new family member, a new job, or a promotion at work.

 Jesus paused before adding, "I admire your heart as you come here to this place every morning to make new memories out of a place where you had taken your family of four out for meals." Todd thought about what Jesus said, " After Maria died I couldn't so much drive by this place without feeling such deep prolong sorrow."

 Jesus paused to reflect on those words,"Todd, you are so right about leaning into your grief and trusting that I will guide you through the grief process."  Jesus paused again, " You know, many people tend to run from their grief by moving away from the places they previously experienced positive memories with loved ones no longer with them. They try to bury their pain in their work, or in long moments of solitude of drinking too much, using drugs, or anything they think will make their pain go away, but they do everything but cry out to me. Many get angry and blame me for the loss of their loved one. Some stop believing in me. They pursue a path of unbelief. They fail to realize that we live in a fallen world where things go wrong.If only they can see the the bigger picture that all things will be made new again."
Todd looks at his watch and notices he has to begin his drive to work. Jesus noticed. "I will let you get on with your day. Remember Todd, I am only a simple prayer away."

  Todd shuffles his papers together along with his bible and devotional  and as he walked out he looked back and watched Jesus walk over to another person with a pained expression in her eyes. As she saw Jesus she smiled and asked him to join her.

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