
Friday, July 31, 2015

"No man is a failure who has friends"

Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing

Our family's favorite holiday movie is 'It's a wonderful life'. Set in an earlier time this enduring movie reminds me every year that life should not be measured by dollars and cents, nor by how big our homes are, nor by how fancy are the cars we drive. Just as George Bailey read in the book he opened we learn that "no man is a failure who has friends".

Often, in our grief, we forget this concept. The pain of our loss keep us focused on what we do not have, rather than the blessings we still have. We lament over our unfortunate lot in this life, forgetting to remember that those around us are traveling similar journeys of loss. We forget how important we are in the overall scheme of things. Just as Clarence Oddbody, Georges guadian angel, reminds us after George discovered that his brother had died in a drowning accident  because George wasn't there to save him. 

"Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?" To those who have experienced recent unexpectant losses please remember that your life continues to have a purpose. You may not see the big picture of how this fits in now, but in time when the tapestry is completed God will reveal to you the purpose he has for your suffering and how he will use it in the world around you.

There are those who have experienced the lossof a loved one by suicide and the pain from this sort of grief is at times unbearable. Suicide is one of this countries leading cause of death and something that leaves many victims in it's wake. For those who have experienced this type of loss there is hope and it can be found in this link.

It is when loss occurs that we must find reasons every day to keep living and continue doing the things that gives us life. Like George Baily we must turn to our friends for the emotional support we need to get through the pain of our grief. 

No one ever said that recovering from grief would be easy. There will be days that your grief will come at you like the pounding waves of the ocean and there will be days the waves will be gentle like the gentle waters of one of Minnesota's lakes on a summer morn.

God wants to be your guide through this journey. He truly understands the pain associated with your loss. Like the gentle shepherd that he is he wants to guide you through all of the rough patches and bring you out the other side fully recovered and fully healed from this pain.

As I look back on my grief journey I can see that it was the rough patches where there were only one set of footprints, not two. I saw that it was my Lord and Savior who gently picked me up and carried me through the most impossible part of my journey. The Lord will do that with you and one day, like me, you will see the same one set of footprints during the most painful part of your journey. They will serve as a reminder of God's endearing love for you.

Yes, Life is a journey and like George Bailey found out in that final scene of that holiday classic, " No man is a failure who has friends"

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Making Space For God

The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14

In this busy world we live in it is easy to forget that God wants to spend time with us. As life's activities evolve on a daily basis we get caught up with the tyranny of the urgent sort of things. Soccer practices, dance recitals, vacation planning, date night planning all seem to crowd out the very important things in our lives, our walk with God.  

I know that I am just as guilty of this as the next person and while I mourn those missed opportunities of seeking God in my private devotions I know that those other things I mentioned were equally as important. 

I think we often forget that God isn't demanding alot from us, nor does he require us to spend hours upon hours in solice studying the scriptures. Any amount of time you can give to God will pay dividends down the road with more joy, and a much greater level of peace and security.  I remember hearing my mechanic saying to me that having your engine's fluids changed regularely will mean fewer expenses down the road and thinking that maybe God desires me to spend time with him to be my guide in this troubling life. The question for me is do I want Fox news to tell me things to make me worry and panic each day, or do I want to sit for a few moments each day meditating on the Scriptures and hearing what God has to say to my soul?  

To me this is a no brainer. Listening to God though his word will be the preventive medicine I need to focus on the hope that only Christ brings to me in this life; not Fox news, not CNN, not some political analyst or presidential wannebe trying to tell me how bad things are in this world.  As I study and spend time with the savior I am reminded over and over again these words from Jesus, "33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

That is really the only news I need to know!

Friday, July 24, 2015

No matter how Planned Parenthood tries to sugar coat their existence they can never run from their racial past of their founder, Margaret Sanger

For you formed my inward parts;you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.[a]Wonderful are your works;my soul knows it very well.My frame was not hidden from you,when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.Psalm 139: 13-16

No matter how the far left tries to sugar coat their Planned Parenthood abortion machine
they can never run from their past.when Margaret Sanger, the woman who sought through her own hatred for the disabled and minorities came up with a plan that would result in genocide for millions of unborn children.

 She decided that it was her right to play God and get rid  of a group of people that, in her mind, were of no value to society. It was Margaret Sanger's sordid philosophy that gave  Adolf Hitler the idea that it would be best for Germany if all Jew's were eliminated from the face of he earth through genocide better known as the concentration camp.

 A man, like Margaret, who decided that he had a right to play god with the unfit and those he perceived as anchors that dragged the German society down.  Out of the evil of these two people millions had to suffer. Out of the hatred that spilled from their hearts a whole system of beliefs about who was worthy of life and who was worthy of death  was created. 

The tentacles of this wretched abortion machine became the platform of one party. Those who wanted to run for government offices through this one party had to completely buy-in to the wretched ideas of Planned parenthood and the woman's right to choose whether her baby lives, or dies. 

Jesse Jackson at one time spoke out against abortion, but when he wanted to be the nomination for President from this party he had to change his tune and change he did. 

I think it is preposterous to think that our Country can choose to terminate life for whatever reason when they had outlived their usefulness. It makes me cringe that guys like Nick Vujicic,, or Joni Eareckson-Tada,,or Jim Abbott could have had their lives snuffed out when doctors decided that they would only be a burden to society.

 No matter how Planned Parenthood, Hillary Clinton, or any of the PP supporters want to sugar coat it it is still wrong to end the life of a unborn child. Not when you consider that there are so many adopted parents who would be willing to pay that pregnant mom money to bring their child to full term so their child has a chance of receiving love and support from a family that wants to her child..  

We, as a nation, have no right to play god because there is a real God that knows that child from the time they were conceived.  No matter how the far left media tries to downplay this abortion debate with sugar coated stories of the 'wonderful things about PP they cannot run from their sordid past when the whole idea of human genocide took root in the wretched heart of Margaret Sanger.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

"Your going the wrong way"

6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

This scene from Planes, trains and automobiles captures so eloquently the essence of life.
We start off believing we are on the right path before
we discovered that the path we thought was the right path
had deviated far away from the one we  originally thought we were on
thinking that all is hopeless
at wits end
we cry out

Disparately we search for the right path
Looking far and wide at the paths of our celebrities,
we discovered that they are equally as lost
exposes revealed things we never knew about them
crack the very foundation we stand on
until that is
we hear a voice in the desert 

calling our name
"I am the way"

faint at first we listen
"and the truth"

I strain closer to the source of the sound
"no one comes to the father"
my eyes, filled with sleep matter strains to see 
"except through me"
I look at the path I was on
at wits end
I cry out to the one calling my name

It is never too late in life to make a U turn
Jesus wants you on the right path
filled with hope
your debt from your past canceled
your name written forever
in the Lamb's book of life

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Second Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Price...

There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. Proverbs 6:16-19

In another hidden interview we find another Planned Parenthood employee discussing how much PP might charge for selling certain tissues to third party buyers.

No matter how Planned Parenthood wants to describe the act of abortion, the act of extracting a living baby from the womb is still murder. We know that a baby as young as 20 weeks can feel pain and when the abortion doctor pulls a part the baby they no doubt reacting to the pain. If they were a child and someone was tugging at their arm they would scream, but a unborn baby is silenced forever when the sharpen scissors stabs them in the back of the neck.

Since the Supreme court abortion decision was made we know that the case was brought under false pretenses.

Since the landmark Supreme Court decision, Norma McCorvey gave birth to her child, and Sandra Bensing never had an abortion. Both of these women have also come forward to admit that their testimony was false. In 1987, McCorvey told Washington Times columnist Carl Rowan that the Roe decision was based on false testimony. She admitted that her account of being raped in 1969 was a fabrication designed to invalidate the law. Instead, she confessed that she had become pregnant by her boyfriend.

The effects of abortion on this nation are enormous. In an article from the Forerunner we see these statistics:

What have 16 years of abortion done to our nation? Planned Parenthood’s sex education services have proliferated considerably onto junior-high and high school campuses. Consequently, studies indicate that the rate of teen pregnancies has skyrocketed, along with the use of contraceptives. Each year, over one million teenage girls become pregnant … resulting in 400,000 abortions.

The damage continues.

Experts in the reproductive health field maintain that there is a large body of scientific evidence which indicates long-term physical effects for most women who undergo abortion. Further, a California
abortion clinic was closed down temporarily by the city due to the high death rate and health hazards. Approximately 40 to 50 women had died from abortions at the clinic, said Kathy Walker, vice president of Women Exploited by Abortion (WEBA).

When asked how many women have died from abortions, Walker explained that it was hard to calculate because doctors usually place information about abortion-related deaths under a different category. “It’s a cover up. The doctor has the authority to write what he wants. And doctors will cover up for other doctors.”

In regards to pain, one San Francisco doctor said this about it: Dr. Michael Harrison, associate professor of surgery at the University of California in San Francisco and co-director of the university’s Fetal Treatment Program, said, “Yes, fetuses do feel pain. They have the same response as a newborn baby.” For further information and for fact checking you can go this site:

Remember, Planned Parenthood was started by Margaret Sanger who had a twisted world view that said that blacks and minorities were inferior and needed to be controlled. It  was her twisted thinking that influenced Adolph Hitler and lead to a method designed to eradicate the black race.

We must take the opportunity to bring to our congress member the truth of this organization and demand that Planned Parenthood be fully investigated and that  federal and state funding be stopped and those responsible for slaughtering the unborn children who had no chance of becoming tomorrow's  scientist, teacher, musicians and tradesman be brought to justice. If after reading this blog you desire to write to your congress member you can go to these links: or this one

Finally, remember this is an organization that will use flattery and lying lips to destroy the unborn. They did this when they used Normal McCorvey and Sandra Bensing and they will continue to make up lies to maintain their money making institution.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Planned Parenthood Medical director describes their process of selling tissue from the unborn to third parties in need of it.

32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32

This is a video that I believe should go viral and here is why. Dr Deborah Nucatola, Medical director of Planned Parenthood is describing how Planned Parenthood tries to supplement their income by selling unborn body parts to clients in need of them. This perfectly illustrates the evil intent of this organization that goes back to the days when Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, with all of her evil and racist ways went about to create a false premise that resulted in a lie that the masses swallowed.

Believing that they provided a valuable service the community at large encouraged their congressman to continue funding them. Believing that minorities were better aborting their unborn child than multiplying their race is repugnant and full of arrogance. The reality is the majority of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are located in poorer sections of metropolitan areas. They have been very successful with expanding the lie of their organization to allow them to come into the public schools with their birth control clinics. They encourage minorities to 'protect' themselves through sexual activity, but if you become pregnant one of our abortion clinics will be there to serve you.

Dr. Deborah Nucatola, medical director of Planned Parenthood talks casually over lunch and while sipping her red wine and eating her salad she is describing PP's program of selling baby parts (a federal crime) to parties that need them. She even talks about PP's litigation and law department that handles all inquiries so they do not have to deal the messiness of it.

However, not all of that money is from the federal government. Planned Parenthood’s government funding comes from two sources: the Title X Family Planning Program and Medicaid. About $70 million is Title X funding, Planned Parenthood spokesman Tait Sye told us. The rest — about $293 million — is Medicaid funding, which includes both federal and state money.

The people who make up PP are no different than the Nazi concentration camp doctors who decided who would live and who would die. As such all of them should be brought to justice and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Furthermore,Congressional Republicans have introduced a bill and that more than 80 other House members re-introduced the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act would revoke taxpayer funds from Planned Parenthood to ensure taxpayers are not financing the abortion industry.

The lies of this organization and the lies they tell woman has resulted in untold grief that have damaged many generations of woman. To tell a woman that they are there to help them when their evil intent was to sell their babies body parts to others that need them is beyond horrific. If you want to know more about this very racist organization I urge you to watch this video entitled Maarfa 21 at this link: If you want to read more about the evil intent of Margaret Sanger I urge you to read Grand Illusions, written by George Grant.

Just as the survivors of the Nazi holocaust were able to win justice in the court room I hope those severely harmed by this evil organization better known as Planned parenthood soon will be able to file lawsuits for the undue harm this organization has inflicted on them. As much as the social media gets blamed for the ills of the world this same media just may be responsible for revealing the evil intent of Planned Parenthood resulting in it's eventual demise.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

No sooner than when sudden losses occur do we discover that life is a journey

38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[b] neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

We have good friends who prepared a year in advance for their climb to the top of half dome. They did this because they knew that their climb to the top would be made easier with such rigorous preparation. I remember watching these friends as they joined a local climbing club and going weekly to practice their skills. They did this with the understanding that their trip to half dome would be a much more enjoyable experience if they were prepared for the climb.

As much as we try to prepare for everything that life gives us I cannot find a life instructional manual that helps us to prepare for the sudden tragedies of life. There is no magic 'cure all' that will take away the pain that inflicts those who have endured life's unfair moments. There is no magic formula that will allow you to 'lift' the pain of your children who are traveling their own journey when the sudden tragedy occurs. There is no magic 'pill' to erase the mental images left behind by the tragedy There are no magic wands one can wave to restore the lost equilibrium of life. The magic of 'Disney' simply doesn't work in these circumstances.

In my own experience with sudden loss that turning to God was the only 'cure all' that help me navigate the peaks and valleys of my grief. God's instructional manual, other wise known as the bible, was the only source to help me on this journey.

The first Sunday after our loss when my son asked me if he could stay home from church because he didn't feel like going I looked directly at him with the right amount of inflection and reminded him that his mom didn't feel like going to church and I knew I didn't feel like going to church, but if we all stayed home we would neglect the opportunity of being blessed with a kind word of encouragement from our friends that day.

My son learned from that day that his faith was not based on 'feelings', .

Sudden losses  are troubling because there are no warning signs and nothing you can do can prepare for them. No amount of dialectical dialog with God to answer the 'Why's will bring relief to the loneliness and quiet suffering that comes with this loss.

Life is a journey. It requires us to place our faith and trust in a living Savior, Jesus Christ to help us get through the daily reminders of our loss. It requires us learn to put one foot in front of the other trusting our Savior that he knows what he is doing with our lives.

 It requires us to keep up with our daily biological requirements of water, eating healthy food, not the comfort foods that in the end make us feel worse, and keeping a daily record of our journey of feelings and reflections of things you might have read in your personal bible.It requires us to find a good Christian book store for encouraging books to help you on your journey.It requires you to discover good artists of Christian songs and listen to Christian radio.

Life is a journey that requires that you find good listeners who are willing to sit in the muck an mire of your grief. As this journey continues God will bring those to you who you will later find had travel similar journeys of loss. You may hear stories from fellow friends at Church who now are free to share their own inner pain; whereas, before your loss you never would have guess that their pain ever existed.

Life is a journey.  As you lean into your Savior walking behind him things will get better.  The words of Jesus are reminders that He will never let you down.

So go ahead and prepare for this journey by getting your bible, your personal journal and learn to listen to the living Savior who promises to never leave you or forsake you. Things will get better at a timetable that is as unique to you.

Friday, July 10, 2015

When tragedy strikes there is always hope

11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare[a]and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

It is amazing how despite the presence of so many television shows glorify death, but when death personally touches our lives we are at a loss as to how to handle it.

 It seems we have this idea that death is something that happens to other people, but never us.  We live in this world of make believe of Disney characters, redundant happy songs bouncing in our heads with this perpetual smile on or faces. 

 We take trips to Disney and all of the other copy cat theme parks in hopes that the happiness they give to us remains in us; yet, all it takes is a phone call at an hour we least expect it to take those happy feelings away. We understand intellectually what death means, but when the real thing happens we try to bury it with busyness and Disney movies.

 I remember from my own grief journey reading how there are so many ways that a person can die. Life, it seems, is uncertain, unpredictable, fragile and surprisingly short. At some point in our time line all of our lives will end,but that isn't the end. Because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross followed by his resurrection and his ascension, life for us continues when the natural course of our lives on earth is completed

All it takes is a simple decision to say
"yes Lord"
and invite your Savior
to come into your life.

When Jesus took his final breath and exclaimed "it is finished" he provided a passage way to heaven, one gold plated brick at at time. When he died he not only escorted your loved one home but he made a promise to walk with each of us through the fiery furnace of grief.

Jesus is only a prayer call away
All you have to do is call him
out of the pain of your grief, call him
through the tear filled eyes, call him
though your body visibly shakes,
call him

In this video presented by Billy Graham you will meet several people who know grief first hand and through their pain you will experience their losses and you will experience how the loving Savior came beside each of them to help them heal from this pain.

As you watch this video ask Jesus to come along side you. Jesus wants to come into your life and be your guide on this journey. Death does not have to be the end. It can be your defining moment in this life where greater things, yet to be shown, will come.  The amazing thing about grief and sorrow that as you draw nearer to your Lord and Savior you will have the beautiful fragrance of Christ that will draw others near  to hear the gift of eternal life!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

When catastrophic events occur that takes our loved one we must remind ourselves that life is still worth living

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 1 Peter 1:3

How often when we lose a loved one we ask God to allow us to switch places with them? How often do we bury ourselves in restless sleep thinking our sleep will draw us nearer to our loved one? How often do we stop living when a loved one dies?  Whatever it was that claimed your loved one you must tell yourself that life is worth living.

Life is worth living for the fatherless girl on your street who needs to see that your faith really is relevant and that there is a loving father in heaven who loves and died for her and your faith may be worth claiming when life without a father seems so painful.

Life is worth living for the teenager on your  block struggling from the fresh wounds of watching his best friend  killed in a car accident.  The way you handle your sudden loss and watching your faith become like perfume might be the thing that helps him recover from his friends death and gives him a reason to keep living.

Life is worth living to the burned out business man who after the loss of his wife and  catastrophic losses to his 401k account while asking himself, "is this it" and watching you transverse through your own grievous journey with 'the hope of Christ' just may be the thing that keeps him from drowning in alcohol and eventual death.

Life is worth living to the family who lost a child and hearing about your faith through this painful time just may be enough help them recover from their own pain and give them a new life purpose.

Life is worth living to the co-worker who is reeling from  multiple catastrophic deaths, but no faith to see those events through just may be helped as he senses the 'unseen' things in your life which are helping you  heal  may prevent him from pulling the trigger to escape his own personal tyranny.

Life is worth living to your newly laid off neighbor feeling the effects of helplessness and purposelessness and it may be the conversations he has with you that helps him find new meaning for his life.

Life is worth living to the Somalia family down the street feeling the effects of post traumatic effects of their home land and it may be the conversations he has with your that convinces them that Jesus Christ is very real and worth claiming for their own lives. 

In the aftermath of grief and loss there are so many 'what if' scenarios we can bring up, but regardless of what caused your loved one to die we must convince ourselves that for everyone we come in contact with from this day forth we must stand and be willing to tell them that it is possible to recover from grief pf any kind and  because of how Jesus personally walked with you on your journey they too can find a reason to keep living

Life, is in deed worth living!