
Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Power of Forgiveness

Ever noticed all of the bill boards we see advertising Attorney services? There is even a law firm with the slogan "Know your Rights".  Day time and late night television is full of commercials for attorneys. There is a need for attorneys, I am sure, but there are way too many frivolous lawsuits that are filed every year which are destroying the American economy. Lawsuits are discouraging creative minds from coming up with newer and better products. Companies have gone under and jobs lost every year because of some outrageous settlement won by an attorney.This may seem pretty strong, but the facts are that insurance costs are rising higher than ever for the simple reason to cover the cost of these lawsuits. Granted, there will continue to be a need for attorneys, especially in the cases where young people have become severely paralyzed and need an income to pay for life long services.

 But, can  you imagine for a moment how many millions we would save each year with 3 simple words? What are they? "I forgive you" Those words will save marriages, help a person keep his job, keep relationships from deteriorating and the list goes on. The words "I forgive you" could possibly stop conflict from escalating and wars from being started. They would encourage medical companies to continue researching on newer and better products to make one's life better. Those 3 words could possibly eliminate bullying in our schools and restore relationships.

Those 3 words just may reduce the need to carry large amounts of liability insurance because people would strive toward peaceful settlements than a long drawn out legal fight.  Our medical costs would go down because families would be quick to forgive their treating physician. Restoration would breed open communication and the improvement in our medical system.

Won't you just for today pick up the phone and tell someone that you forgive them? Play this forward and see what a difference those 3 small words can make in your life.


  1. Most of us would rather delay extending forgiveness to the wrong doer or the perceived wrong doer, but the fallacy of doing so will be destroying the person or person's in pain. God does want us to experience immediate peace that comes from forgiving others.

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