
Monday, April 16, 2012

Blessings out of tragedy

God can take any tragic experience in our lives and make us stronger for it.  Over the years there have been many organizations that have been started out of tragedy. The Jacob Wetterling foundation was started to help improve the way news of missing children are broadcast to the public.  Mad mothers against drunk drivers was founded after many tragic situations of families losing loved ones to drunk drivers.  Since this organization was founded laws have been passed for harsher sentences, better education, and new technology that prevents a car from being started when alcohol is sensed. All good things in light of tragic situations.

Three years ago I traveled with the men's ministry to Guatemala where we did construction projects at the Kid's alive orphanage.  There I learned of a girl  who looked like our daughter and had a mobility impairment because of being hit by a car.  She had been looking forward  to traveling to the east coast to have surgery which would have helped improve her quality of life.

A year ago I followed up with this young girl's story and learned that for some reason plans fell through for her to travel to the states on a medical visa.  Having just met with our daughter's surgeon where we talked about memories of our daughter and essentially making peace with her surgeon I had the idea of introducing this young girl to our daughter's doctor by e-mailing the new representatives of Kid's alive. A day later I received a e mail with a overwhelming positive response to my suggestion. More than a positive response he responded by saying that my e mail had impeccable timing because they had been considering ways to start again to try to help this young girl. Several months went by and finally I learned that Gillette had accepted this young girl as one of their patients and our daughter's surgeon had agreed to take this young girl under his wings.

God can make all things new again. He can take tragic situations and make something good out of it. Many good causes have been created out of tragic situations!  Because of my willingness to lay down all of my rights a young girl in Guatemala will  have the opportunity to be seen by the best Children's Speciality health facility in the world. Her name? Maria!

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