
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

You know those milestone markers you use to watch on those long road trips as a child?

18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18

As a child, I have countless memories of taking road trips with my family.  One particular memory was our cross-country trip to Washington D.C. in our family's Corvair Monza. As I look back, I have to give my parents the medal of bravery for coming up with ways of keeping 3 kids entertained.  Part of the entertainment included being the first person to see all 50 state license plates, and when that wasn't enough counting the milestone markers to our next stop.

I love watching for those milestone markers. In a sense, it is a reminder to me that we're almost to our destination. Whether it is a road trip to the mother-in-law's place or a road trip to Disney world, those marker's kept our minds focused on the destination

As profound grief can be when we lose someone special, we need those marker's to remind us that though we still have a ways to go before we can feel half-way normal again, we're getting closer to recovery from our emotional pain.

Each day following our loss is like those highway milestone markers- a time to reflect on the progress you've made on your grief journey. 

 Which is why it's important to journal those milestone moments. Those moments where you have a dream of your loved one, or you see a bush they planted that is blooming full of flowers, or discovering one of your loved one's letters or a picture they drew. In a sense, those markers become 'God moments' on your journey.

As you make progress on this journey, remember to take care of your self.  By that I mean drink lots of water, exercise, and avoid the high fat, high starch or the high sugar foods that are so easily consumed because they make us feel good.  

Comfort foods may for a moment make you feel better, but in the long run, they can cause more harm to the body than they are worth.

Remember, you have this pain because of the love you had for that person.  In a sense, you cannot grieve for them unless you had loved them.

Finally, remember that God loves you so much that he sent his son, Jesus, to walk with you one milestone marker at a time on your journey of grief.

For anyone who is experiencing problems with coping on this journey or you feel that God had abandoned you, I encourage you to explore at this link. GriefShare is a 13-week cycle support group that will teach you how to go through the journey, not around it.

Remember what it was like when you finally reached your destination when you took the collective sigh of relief while taking in the sheer beauty of that place?  When you reach the completion of your grief journey, at a pace that is unique to the love you had with the one who died, you will look back and see all of those God moments of Jesus walking with you on your journey!

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