
Friday, May 25, 2018

As we navigate through our pain and suffering after a loss, God promises to use you as a blessing in the lives of others just now entering their own pain

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God. Matthew 5:9

Memorial day conjures all sorts of emotions in the lives of people. To the family of a missing veteran, it brings to the surface their pain one more time when the two well-dressed military officers showed up to their door with those heart-wrenching words- "we regret to inform you....."

To the family who lost their son in a police shooting, it conjures up fresh wounds and all the 'what if's' and the images of that night.

To the family whose family member died from a medication overdose, it brings questions of 'did we do enough to prevent this from happening?

To the family whose son or daughter might have tragically died in a traffic accident, it brings fear like symptoms whenever they pass the scene of the accident.

To the family whose family member died while on the operating table, the raw emotions when the doctor came out with tears in his eyes while saying, 'I'm sorry'.

To the professionals who treat the sick, emotions come bubbling to the surface whenever they think of someone they could have saved and didn't.

To the emergency medical technicians who walk out of a house of child they could not save, it brings back doubt that I cannot do this job anymore.

Life is filled, at times with pain and suffering, something I wish we could simply avoid but cannot.

But, the most amazing thing about Christianity is how God takes all that pain you're going through and prepares you while you're going through your own suffering, to one day be a blessing to others. While God intended for your loved one to remain with you, he does the next best thing of equipping you to help others. 

The next time you're tempted to turn to alcohol to soothe your inner hurts, turn to the pages of the Psalms or the Gospels for if you do you will find the healing salve you've been looking for. For in those pages you will discover that Jesus died on the cross for you and me and desires to draw near to you during your suffering.

As you venture out this morning, look for ways to be a blessing to others.  

Make a difference, a drive-through, difference and write a letter for the car behind you telling your story of the difference KTIS 98.5 made in your life during your suffering and pick up their tab.

Then kick back with that Caribou coffee you just bought and watch what a difference you made in your immediate world. 

Like the peddle tossed into the pond, you will see the ripple effect of that blessing.

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