
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

QR codes placed on the headstone allows for anyone to scan the code and instantly access videos of their loved one !..

He sets on high those who are lowly, and those who mourn are lifted to safety. Job 5:11

Everything is connected these days through our smart devices.  You have Amazon Echo who provides information at the drop of a   hat.  Your Fitbit device records your steps, heart rate, blood pressure and even uploads it to your digital health coach. Who could ever think these smart devices can do so much?

We live in a mobile society where people live farther away from the loved ones who died. Time and expense keep people separated from each other.  I found it refreshing that someone thought outside the box and came up with a way to help loved ones stay connected. This separation between time and space makes the grief process harder for some. 

The good news is our modern technological society has created a way for all of us to know more about the person that died than simply reading the date of birth and death on the tombstone.     

The living headstone with the OR code that is placed on the stone turns this ordinary headstone into a living memorial of the person with by simply using your smartphone device.   Simply by scanning the barcode on the marker, one can instantly watch videos of their loved one, read their obituary, and with the site administrator's permission enter their own memories of the person that died.

Just think of the joy your family will have as you scan the barcode of your son or daughter who died tragically and being able to pull up the videos of the fun times you had with them? Think of the smiles that you will create as their now grown up friends are able to scan and watch their old friend on their smartphone device?

They say that one of the hallmarks of healing from one's grief is simply talking about the loss. Well, if you ask me, the use of this living memorial will go along way with helping others heal, as well as help keep their love one memory alive.

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