
Friday, June 1, 2012

Powerful graduation ceremony in honor of the class of 2012


12 remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. Ephesians 2:12-13

Tonight my wife and I attended the class of 2012 graduation ceremony at Legacy Christian Academy.  I do not remember  ever been to a graduation ceremony that had as many powerful and moving speeches as I heard tonight.  This particular class has been through tragedy and these kids were reminded how important it is to follow Christ all of their days even when it is so easy to fear the unknown.

There were not one, but two memorial scholarships given out. Let me tell you about them.  In the mid 1980's there was a young girl named Faith Delich, daughter of Trudy and John Delich.  Trudy was our adoption social worker for our two kids and John was my wife's boss and director of Meadow Creek Christian School. Faith was riding her bike across Bunker Lake Boulevard to attend youth activities at their church when she was hit by a car. She died instantaneously. Every year  they have handed out a couple of scholarships in honor of their daughter Faith.

The second Memorial scholarship was set up in honor of Matthew Enfield.  Matthew had a promising future and had hopes of attending law school when he  took his own life in 2008.  In his memory the family chose to begin for the first time last night a Matthew Enfield scholarship.

Two families marred by tragedy choosing to channel their grief in healthy ways by helping students of this very good school to realize their dreams.

Kristi Winkes, English and drama teacher at Legacy, gave a very poignant speech where she talked about her 'Bo' moment.   Bo was a fast and huge football player at the college she attended and as she was walking one day to class this big guy  came out of no where knocking her off her feet..  Bo was well known and  was in the running for the Heisman trophy. She reminded these kids that they too will have their own 'Bo' moments where something happens where they will be momentarily knocked off their feet, but like her they will get back up and continue on.

Kristi also reminded them that many people they meet along the way will be experiencing life problems and because of their faith in Christ they will have the opportunity to share their faith with them.

Your raise me up was one of the songs that was sung at tonight's ceremony. The words are a reminder that Christ is there to support you no matter what happens in your life.  Whether sorrow, pain, or just having a bad day Christ is there to help you get through whatever happens to you.

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