
Thursday, June 14, 2012

God desires us to be vulnerable with one another

 1-4My dear friends, don't let public opinion influence how you live out our glorious, Christ-originated faith. If a man enters your church wearing an expensive suit, and a street person wearing rags comes in right after him, and you say to the man in the suit, "Sit here, sir; this is the best seat in the house!" and either ignore the street person or say, "Better sit here in the back row," haven't you segregated God's children and proved that you are judges who can't be trusted? 

The other day was reflecting on a conversation I had with a co-worker 30 years ago.  He and I attended the same graduate training program and on this one particularly day I was especially down on myself.

 I was frustrated that I was someone that 'care too much'. I thought I wanted to be like other people who valued the outward trappings of success and so I made a comment to a co-worker and fellow graduate student about how I wished I wasn't like this and how I wished I could be like everyone else.  Fully expecting to get advice from him on how exactly I could become that person I was floored when he told me that I should be glad for the person I had become and  not try to change the one thing that is so refreshing in this world.

As I reflected on what he said for I realized that there are people in this world who are going to be kicked in the shins, looked down upon because they do not have the right clothing, or feel devalued by others all along the path of life  and are ready to give up. God needs people who care for one another. He needs people to show them how much they are valued and he needs people to look past the outward trappings of success at the heart.

This is the main reason why the Christian church grew and grew! People see believer's  enjoying  each other and sharing their burdens with one another and to those on the outside living in a dog eat dog world it is a radical concept that draws people into the church.

God wants people to be vulnerable with one another and to share their burdens with one another. He wants people to be open with one another. Vulnerability means being real with people and letting people know that you have the same struggles as them.

 As you practice being vulnerable with people they will see that you have something truly special that the world does not have and before you know it your faith in Christ will point people to the life changing source Himself.

So go ahead and be open with people and watch God do miracles in their lives.

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