
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Do you live in a house of glass?

Ever been to the carnival and walked into the house of glass? You know the one where you are trying to find your way out the other side, but every time you turn you bump into a barrier of glass. I thought of this illustration as I was reading an e mail from a friend who described to me how his brother had shun their entire family since 2004 over something relatively minor. As I thought about this a thought occurred to me over how many of us are harboring resentments which do not seem to go away? How many of us avoid certain situations or people because we're not sure how to handle those situations? Forgiveness may seem so hard, but in actuality it is easy.

Often times we wait until the other person makes the first move and doing so we sit in agony waiting. The reality is forgiveness can begin with you making a simple phone call, sending a simple text message, or inviting the other person out for coffee, tea, or even just a cup of cold water.

It was in 2010 when I sat down with out daughter's doctor and had a 1 1/2 meeting with him where we shared with each other our grief over Maria's sudden death. I chose to lay down my anger and extend the palm branch of peace to her doctor and with that our relationship has been restored. I could have refused to meet with this doctor, but doing so I would cause irreparable harm to myself, my son, and my family. Causing harm was not an option.

What about you? Is there someone you need to forgive? Won't you consider doing so today? Remember, our Lord demonstrated forgiveness when His son died on the cross for your sin's and because of that forgiveness you have the opportunity to be part of God's family simply by praying to receive Jesus Christ in your life.

Forgive someone and you will be glad you did so.


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