
Monday, June 25, 2012

Bitter Sweet memory


t's the same way with the Son of Man. He didn't come so that others could serve him. He came to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many people." Matthew 20:28

Sunday was a bittersweet day. We attended an open house of a daughter of friends of ours across the street from our home. Her mom died in January 2011 after a long battle with breast cancer. She was diagnosed with cancer long before our daughter Maria died. I actually have vivid memories of the four of us praying for Julie at the dinner table with each of the kids saying something. At the time it never crossed my mind that our little girl would die before this neighbor.

The moment Julie learned about Maria;s sudden death following her first night home from the hospital she was right there ministering to our family even when she herself wasn't feeling the greatest. Her husband, Russ, was the youth pastor at their church at the time. Julie did not minister to us out of duty because we were neighbors of her's, but she genuinely loved our family just as Christ loved His church. That was who Julie was as a person. She loved Jesus with all of her heart and wanted to share God's love with as many people she could meet as long as she was alive.

At the open house I began thinking of Julie and our daughter, Maria, in their new heavenly bodies without any earthly affliction spending time with our Lord Jesus.  As I dwelt on this image I began to see the hope for my future because of my commitment I made to Jesus when I was a mere 18 year old.

If Jesus is our example, I was reminded that we ought to be ministering to others even when on a emotional level we are not feeling well. By taking our minds off of our daily afflictions and focusing on the needs around us we feel better about ourselves and if we could we would hear a thousand Hallelujah's heard in heaven. Seeing the needs around us and helping people in the throes of suffering is what Christ modeled for us when he walked the earth 2000 years ago.

No one really knows how much time we have on this earth . You're life could last until you are 90 years old, or it could end at the age of 10 like our daughter, but it would seem to me that it would be foolish to wait until much later to make that all important spiritual decision when Jesus is knocking on your heart's door desiring to come in and pay the penalty of your sin so one day when you take your final breath your next one will be in heaven.

Won't you take a few moments today to say a simple prayer inviting Jesus to come into your life? Like our daughter Maria and our friend Julie you will be glad you did~

1 comment:

  1. This song reminds me of the incredible singing we will be doing in heaven. The choir, i am sure will sound even greater than the music heard on this video.
