
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A tribute to the doctors and nurses at Gillette Children's Specialty Clinics

Since this is the week we honor the heaven sent homecoming of our daughter, Maria, I wanted to pay tribute to all of the wonderful doctors and nurses at St. Paul Gillette children's Specialty Children's clinic where so many of the finest staff were part of our daughter's healing journey.  You are not the blame for our daughter's sudden passing and if anything you were part of improving the quality of her life and had she continued her earthly existence she would have thanked everyone of you with her hugs and kisses.

The men and woman who choose this profession do so because they want to help people with their complicating health problems and before they ever step foot into a examining room they must spend hours, months and years preparing themselves for this noble profession.

There is one doctor I want to especially pay tribute to on this blog. His name is Dr. Stephen Sundberg and he is an amazing physician and surgeon who was part of our daughter's life. He has a heart of compassion that says 'I care about you and we're going to do everything possible to improve your life .'  I would describe him as the best of best of the Pediatric specialty doctors.  I would not hesitate in a heart beat to recommend him to families looking for a doctor to work with their special needs child.   Dr. Sundberg has a compassion for children world wide and often travels to other countries to help special needs children.  We were blessed to have the best of the best to help our daughter and we were further blessed having the wonderful staff at Gillette to work with our daughter.

The men and woman working in the medical field do so knowing that along the way there will be heart ache and there will be grief which they themselves must recover from when one of their patients dies. These men and woman grieve much like families grieved, but the two sides are not able to connect because of the fear of lawsuits. Doctors and nurses are advised to circle the wagons and have minimal contact with those they have treated. Grief becomes even more complicated to heal from when communication is blocked.

 Lawsuits are not the answer. Lawsuits prevent timely discoveries of new medicines and new devices needed to help people. This is more noticeable when one has a difficult hard to treat medical condition. Rather than lawsuits what we need most is to work through the grief with the help of a trusted friend, counselor, or therapist so you can get to the other side where you can forgive and work toward doing things that honor the memory of your loved one.

Knowing Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord has actually helped me in my recovery process. If you are struggling with hatred for those in the medical professions for some ill they did to your loved one I encourage you to read the four gospels in the new testament and lay the hate, your lack of forgiveness, and your need for vengeance at the foot of the cross and say these words, " Dear Jesus,  I know that I am a sinner. I know I have this hatred and vengeful feelings for the wrong that was done. I do not understand why this had to happen, but I lay down my feelings at the foot of the cross and I ask you to come into my life and become my hands and feet and my mouthpiece and change me for the better. I know that if I say these words with my mouth and I mean it you will come into me and I will have assurance of salvation and going home to heaven for all eternity."

If you said these words you are now a child of God and Jesus is now in your heart where he will help you walk through whatever tough time comes your way.

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