
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Minnesota Nice is anything but Nice

"Minnesotan's are the worst drivers because they do not let you merge into traffic" Minnesotan's are hard to get to know". These were comments made by out of town visitors. We make light of this 'Minnesota Nice' now realizing that it really is a barrier that keeps people at a distance.

Described as being overtly polite with a hint of passive aggression Minnesotan's will do all they can to avoid having arguments or differences in opinions. In some Minnesota families there is a general rule where politics are never discussed. It seems that families are afraid the differences in opinions will lead to arguments and disharmony. Garrison Keillor has made his living making light of the way Minnesotan's think in his weekly radio programs.

It seems that in Minnesota it takes longer to resolve conflict because everyone is busy appearing overtly polite. No one wants to hurt the other guy's feelings so they avoid bringing up sensitive topics. "Well, she is just going through a phase" " She'll get over it." " We just have to leave him alone to sort out his problems." "Isn't it awful how they lost their child? Not sure what to say to them, but I guess all we can do is pray for them" " I am so sorry for your loss, oh look at the time, well, I'll pray for you. Sorry call me any time if you need anything". These are some of the responses Minnesotan's will give to ease out of a difficult situation

Because conflict is so hard to resolve many Minnesota families experience rifts that often drive families apart for year's and even decades. When Minnesotan's experience a loss of a loved one they are least likely to seek help from a professional choosing instead to work out the grief on their 'own'. When a Minnesotan talks about their grief with someone in church they will use language like ' we're doing much better'. Choosing to minimize their pain so the person asking the question doesn't feel bad or feel like they have to do something to help them. Minnesotan's value maintaining harmony over opening up any potential pandora's boxes.

When you look at the Minnesota legislature the average Minnesotan doesn't really understand that process because debating the issues and arguing the points seem so foreign to most people. You ask the typical Minnesotan about what they thought of the recent political legislative session and most will tell you "we have to vote those rascals out."

Minnesota has the fewest number of civil lawsuits when compared to other states which is probably concrete evidence for Minnesotan's desire to maintain harmony.. This might explain why trial lawyer's have to look out side the state for business.

If you look at the news feed of a typical Minnesotan s facebook user you will notice that the Minnesotan facebook user will apologize at some point in the dialog boxes for having the opinion they had just to smooth out the ruffled feathers of the previous submitter's . Minnesota facebook user's want to be liked which is why they often will click on the 'like' button on other's facebook postings..

This video clip was done by a College Senior on the phenomenal of Minnesota nice. It is 21 minutes long, but very engaging to watch.

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