
Sunday, May 28, 2017

To all those who are grieving please hang on because God promises not to abandon you.

To all who mourn in Israel,he will give a crown of beauty for ashes,a joyous blessing instead of mourning,festive praise instead of despair.In their righteousness, they will be like great oaksthat the Lord has planted for his own glory. Isaiah 61:3

My wife and I stopped at the Lifeway Christian Bookstore to choose a sympathy card for a family who has been thrown on a road less traveled. I also picked up  Steven Curtis Chapman's latest book and liked it that I decided to add to my summer reading. For those interested in this book, here is the link for Lifeway Christian Bookstore.

'Where once this family was on the expressway of life, enjoying the many beauties of it, have now been forced to take a detour on a road less traveled.  

Life for this family has come to a screeching halt as each family member grieves in their own way. Whereas some members cry openly and must make continuous runs to Target for boxes upon boxes of kleenex, other members try to numb their mind with marathon video game sessions.

Bodily ailments become a constant reminder of their missing loved one. Life, it seems, is so unfair as some ask "why did this happen to me, and why if God loved me did he take my loved one away?"  

As the intensity of their grief increases, it is as though each member is wearing cement boots just heavy enough to make moving a difficult and tiring task. Life goes into slow motion as tasks they once found easy to accomplish require a Herculean effort and superhero strength. 

 Often, families who have suffered the unfortunate sudden and traumatic losses will wake up in the middle of the night from the common 'night terrors' of the way their loved one died.  Some members are so traumatized by these night terrors they require a sleep aide just to finish their sleep cycle. Still some members decide to see a therapist to make sense of their pain.

Life, it seems is so unfair. The trauma that has been inflicted on them has sent them into a fight or flight response whereas all their sensitivities are on high alert, as though they are permanently trying to run away from a wild beast.

But there is hope. I urge everyone to cling to the hope in God. Keep placing one foot in front of the other trusting God that he knows what to do with your pain. 

If my life can be a testimony for your pain, things in time will get better. You will be able to sleep through the night. You will once again have sweet dreams and wake up refreshed. You will again enjoy life even without the loved one you thought would still be there for you. 

Spring is my favorite season of the year because the blooming plants are a reminder that God does make all things new again!

Hang in there because Spring is coming!

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