
Saturday, May 20, 2017

God so loved the world that each life is precious in His site.

"For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10)

The world it seems likes tossing out human lives when they no longer serve a purpose. Parents discard their children into the street when doing so meant they might prolong their drug habit. Some will take their unwed pregnancy to that 'benevolent' service known as Planned Parenthood who supposedly care about woman's health but really specialize in terminating a life because of the woman's horrible burden of carrying it to completion.

In the case of this man who shares the atrocities that were done to him when he was in that coma state- being force fed, sexually assaulted, forced to watch Barney programs because the closest people in his world of caring for him thought he was an imbecilic fool waiting to die. At one point, his own mother looked at him and uttered, "I wished you would die".

Little did most of them know, but he would slowly regain is the capacity to communicate. His body began getting stronger. Through the amazing Assistant technology, this young man was able to connect with the world around him, even meeting a woman who loved him and would later say 'yes' to his proposal of marriage.

No matter how worthless you feel at any given moment, God never wastes a life. He values you for who you are, not what you will become in the world you live in. I'm reminded of this passage found in John where the disciples of Jesus ask him "why was this man born blind? Was it because he had sinned, or was it because his parents had sinned?" Jesus reminds us in verse 3 of John 9 that ‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned,’ said Jesus, ‘but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.

As human beings, our job ought to be to find the goodness that are in people, not find ways to discard them to the human trash heap. We must view people with disabilities from the mind of God, looking for ways of taking the talent each of them has and allowing them to glorify God with it. Some, like this man, may need the latest assistant technology communication devices to fully be used in this world, while others simply need inclusion.

This story also illustrates another and final point I want to make: as our bodies decay over time because of the biological process or aging or disability we have a God who continues to love us and values what talent we have and has no intention of discarding us like some broken shard of pottery.

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