
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The solution for our depraved indifference

New International Version
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

Every parent who has ever lost a child will testify that after their loss they feel more deeply for others in life than they did before.  When tragedy enters those new homes, they are often the first to offer condolences while others try to distance themselves as by making excuses, often using busyness to justify their thinking.

We live in a world that worships things and money. We work so we can buy that 100" LED smart TV or that smart car with all of the electronic distractions of home.The more things we have and the more money we accumulate the happier we think we will be. As we are doing all of this striving, we forget that the majority of retirees wished they had strived less, had fewer big ticket items, and spent more time with their families and friends. IT appears that each new generation doesn't learn from the older one and repeat their same mistakes. Like Lemmons running over a cliff, we grow callous toward the world around us.

I have always been a deep feelings guy who feels life deeper than most,, and that was before tragedy hit our family. After my loss, my heart would break each time I read a story of another family suffering the same fate. Children hold a special place in God's own heart.They are so willing to accept faith in Jesus without all of the worldly man-made philosophy clouding their thinking.

The solution to our depravity? It's rather simple, really. Start going to church and allow yourself to worship praises to our King of kings and Lord of lords. Pray that God will give you a heart of compassion for the hurting. Look for ways to help others in your community like volunteering at a community food shelve, or a Christian thrift store, or a church-based ministry, or become a sponsor with Compassion International. Each month I write out a support check for my sponsored child in Ecuador, I pray for him for God's grace on his and his families life. Every other month I will write a compassion letter to the child asking him to share his dreams of what he wants to do with his life. When I do this I discover that their goals aren't so dissimilar to mine.

While I don't wish tragedy on anyone, I am reminded that we live in a broken world where occasionally bad things happen to good people. If more people would say yes to God's son Jesus and swing open the door and allow Him to come in, we will see amazing things take place in our lives.

That, my friends, is the secret of removing depravity from life!

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