
Friday, May 19, 2017

A Conversation with a Former Abortionist: Full Interview with Dr. Anthony Levatino

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart; Jeremiah 1:5

Regardless of what the world tries to tell me, life is precious and should not be thrown away. People who support abortion try to convince us that it's all about woman's health, but the former abortionist you are about to meet through this video will debunk that myth. There is another irony to this story. While working in a very thriving OBGYN practice of delivering babies and performing late-stage abortions, he and his wife were trying to have a child. They tried every means possible from the usual infertility treatments to finally adoption which saw many months of failure, until one day they were able to adopt a little girl. Life took a wrong term in the life of their family when one day this cute and adorable little girl happened to be in the street when a car struck and killed her.

Not for one second do I believe God took that child for the atrocities her dad was doing as a late-stage abortion doctor.

To those of us in grief, we have a tendency to blame ourselves that if I had changed my schedule to accommodate my loved one he/she might still be alive. We live in a fallen world where sometimes bad things happen.

It was after his child's death that he began looking at the abortion trade from the angle of so many parents looking for children to adopt while he was destroying them by diminishing the supply.

This doctor went and debunked the myth that Planned Parenthood was all about 'woman's health' by stating that the very act of abortion is an attack on the woman's body. He describes the protocol of the typical late stage abortion as one where they have to make meticulously sure every bone taken out is accounted for because if it isn't the woman will develop a serious infection and die. Further, he reported that he has saved more woman's lives by delivering the baby than taking them.

It may have taken the tremendous grief of losing a child through a sudden death, but out of his coping, he has decided to speak out about the evils of abortion.

The sudden loss of a child is still the most painful forms of grief anyone could possibly experience in this life. While we are in the trenches battling the constant onslaught of emotional pain, flashbacks, and other physical maladies, God promises to make all things new again ( not necessarily the new you were formerly used to), but he assures us there will be a day where you will be smiling and laughing and once again enjoying life.

Until then, our goal should be to place one foot in front of the other and trust God that he knows what to do with our pain.

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