
Friday, May 11, 2012

Do you have a working phone? the life of your loved one could depend on it.

I was at the hardware store when I cross paths with our neighbor. He shared a story about our former neighbors who had moved to a bigger house about 4 years ago. He asked if I heard what happened to the mom and I naturally said no.  Apparently, she had suffered severe chest pains and lost consciousness. Her 10th grade son and 9th grade daughter were at home. The daughter was one of Maria's childhood friends. The son knew how to do CPR and proceeded to perform it on his unconscious mom.

 There were no working phones in their home and the daughter had to run next door to see if she could use a neighbors phone. The EMT's  eventually arrived to the home.  Her son was able to  get a pulse. She was rushed to the hospital where she was placed into a drug induced coma. These doctor told the family that if it hadn't been for their son's quick thinking she would have died.

So where am I going with this you ask?  I am noticing that many people are canceling their land line phone because they are using cell phones as their primary communication device. The rationale seems to be why make two payments for phone service? The problem is that  cell phones can be easily misplaced or simply not charged and when it comes time to use that phone for emergency purposes it won't work.  Cell phones have also been known to be misplaced or even lost.  The survival of your loved one could be in jeopardy if you find no working phone in your home when you need one.

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