
Saturday, August 1, 2020

The downside of the pandemic and the Governor's efforts to shut down the economy is the growing homelessness in Downtown Minneapolis

The end of the Pandemic Unemployment checks has arrived and now the growing rate of homelessness will increase unless we can find some way of providing affordable housing and open up the economy so all people can resume working.  As one homeless woman said, "these are not bad people, but people who fell on hard times."  I can see both sides of the pandemic.  On the one side is a virus that destroys lives and on the other side, I see that this country is built on the backs of working men and woman, and when they are forced out of their jobs to prevent the virus from spreading chaos and homelessness results. 

Before this pandemic there was homelessness, but now we have a even bigger problem with the deserted office buildings and the out of work with no place to go. When Mayor Frei was asked, he responded that we have a plan to address the affordable housing issue, but when he was asked about the problem with homeless mental health issues he didn't respond.

When I watched this video, I felt overwhelmed by the problem of homelessness and the violence it brings to the city street- a city I always admired for it's theater district, it's vitality, and it's beauty. Now, when I look at Minneapolis I see a city on life support, in need of immediate care.

Please pray for Minneapolis and all of the other metropolitan cities that now must deal with the problem of homelessness, the unemployed, the violence and now must search for solutions to the problem,

As one woman said, "these are good people who fell on hard times ( caused by the collapse of the local economic climate and the pandemic) 

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