
Saturday, August 8, 2020

As a optimist I believe that retail and commercial business will be back

Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. ... Psalm 71:5 For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O Lord, from my youth. Mark 9:23 And Jesus said to him, “'If you can'! All things are possible for one who believes.”

I was thinking the other day about the changes we have seen through this present pandemic- changes in the way we eat out, avoiding large crowds, and in the way we do business.  

For someone like myself, I lament over the passing of the things that brought me comfort and a sense of normalcy.   I want things to be just the way they were when I was a child when my parents would take me shopping or a sit down restaurant- it made me feel special when I could order off the menu.

 I lament not having professional sports to watch in person.  I lament not being able to see a movie at a large theater with it's state of the art surround sound and their delicious popcorn. 

 When I read and watch things about the 1918 Spanish influenza I see major differences between then and now.  In 1918 Government wasn't being truthful regarding the seriousness of the Spanish flu- they didn't want anything to interfere with the war effort when they permitted large war effort parades. 

Today, we have the World Health organization given us as much information we need to survive the corona virus pandemic, but for some people they would rather listen to the conspiracy theories that in the end will kill more people.  

There are 3 things that will save us and bring us through the pandemic alive: (1) social distancing at least 6 feet, (2) washing ones hands frequently while not touching one's face, (3) wearing a face mask when in a public place like shopping or in church. 

 As a Christian, I have the hope of knowing Jesus Christ that we will get through this pandemic safely and alive- but we must listen to the truth from the CDC and World health organization.  If we all adhere to these guidelines, I believe things will eventually return to normal, our businesses will open and thrive, and the things we use to enjoy like spectator sports and theatrical events will once again return.  Until then, continue to keep the faith while connecting with loved ones by phone or social media. 

 We will get through this together

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