
Friday, March 17, 2017

On the eve of St.Patty's day and the Minnesota passing of Sunday liquor sales, alcohol has become trendy

You will show me the path to life,
abounding joy in your presence,
the delights at your right hand forever. Psalm 16:11

For the first time in a long time, liquor sales would be allowed to take place on Sundays in Minnesota, the land of 10,000 lakes and treatment programs. Our state has a reputation for being the destination of choice for those struggling with addiction. The purpose of this blog is not to question the right for people to consume alcoholic beverages, but merely to relay why this action may bring untold grief to future families because of this action.  Alcohol has once again become fashionable and trendy with the craft brews in the marketplace. It has become so trendy that we forget about the inherent dangers.

First, some sobering statistics from a 2014 report put out by the National Vital Statistics: (1)Number of alcoholic liver disease deaths: 19,388, (2) Number of alcohol-induced deaths, excluding accidents and homicides: 30,722 If you would like to study this report further, I encourage you to go this link

Now some statistics from MADD, Mothers against drunk driving;


(2)) Almost half of all drivers who were killed in car crashes and tested positive for drugs also had alcohol in their system,

 (3) About 1/3 of all drivers arrested or convicted of drunk driving are repeat offenders, 

(4) about 1.1 million drivers arrested in 2014 for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, 

(5) In 2014, 3 times as many males for drunk driving as females (401,904 v130,480),(6) The rate of drunk driving was highest among 26-29-year-olds (20.9%),

 ((6) In fatal crashes in 2014, the highest percentage of drunk drivers was for drivers between 21-24 (30%) followed by 24-34%(29%), and 35-44(24%), 

(7) in 2013, the total of 1,149 children 14 and under were killed in motor vehicle accidents. Of those 1,149 fatalities, 200 occurred in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. Of those 200 deaths, 121(61%) had BACS of .08 or higher and another 29 children (15%) were pedestrians or bicyclists struck by drivers with BACS of .08 or higher,

(8) drunk driving involvement were almost 4 times higher at night than during the day,(9) every day in America, another 27 people die as a result of drunk driving crashes, 

(10)drunk driving costs the United States 132 billion a year, 

(11) Teen alcohol use kills 4,700 people each year- that's more than all of the illegal drugs combined, 

(12) only time will sober a person up, drinking strong coffee, exercising, or taking a cold shower will not help,

(13) 50-75% of all convicted drunk drivers continue to drive on a suspended license,

(14) an average drunk driver has driven drunk 80 times before his first arrest, You can see more statistics and read actual testimonials of families who lost loved ones to alcohol-related incidents at this link:

  I read other articles on the effects of alcohol and heart conditions. For example, the Center's for Disease Control reported that men who drink 3-4 alcoholic drinks each day are at a higher risk of developing cancer of the mouth, neck, and throat. They are also twice as likely to develop liver cirrhosis and high blood pressure. They recommended that you allow yourself at least two alcohol-free days each week. 

Binge drinking doesn’t only have serious health risks—it can contribute to weight gain and prevent you from reaching your fitness goals. In another report, I read, "Regular or high alcohol use can hurt your heart and lead to diseases of the heart muscle, called cardiomyopathy. Drinking alcohol regularly can increase your blood pressure. Binge drinking can cause irregular heart rhythms called arrhythmias. This is why you can’t save up all your “moderate” doses during the week and then tie one on during the weekend."

 Talk to your doctor whether you should drink if you have a history of these health issues.Heart failure,

CardiomyopathyHigh blood pressureDiabetes, Irregular heart rhythm, or a history of stroke. 

Those who struggle with obesity, pregnant women, and anyone with a history of alcoholism should not drink. Certain medications don’t mix well with alcohol. These usually come with a warning sticker from your pharmacy that tells you not to drink while you take them. 

As sobering as it is to read the statistics, my mind drifts to the phone calls in the middle of the night that many families receive regarding the death of their loved one.

I flash forward to the medical examiners who must inform these families about their loved one's  toxicology reports that confirmed that he/she tested positive for alcohol and drugs.

My mind drifts forward to the graveside service of family members as they say goodbye to someone they never intended to lose so soon, and the untold thousands of nights of crying and comforting they try to give each other just to cope with the loss of companionship- all because their loved one spent the night binge drinking before getting killed in a car accident, or a homicide event.

 While others see the special occasions of celebrating with alcohol, I see the aftermath filled with grief and sorrow and pain. I again remind myself the decision I made to declare Jesus Christ Savior and Lord of my life in the spring of 1974 as, unquestionably, my life's cornerstone.

If you've ever toured the ancient churches and synagogues, you have probably gone away in absolute awe of the sheer majesty of those buildings; those buildings are a symbol of our faith. 

Our bodies in another sense are God's temple.  When we accept Jesus Christ into our life, we can expect that God will do some 'temple' cleaning by helping us get rid of those things that send our temples into decay- things like binge drinking, doing drugs.  God does this because he loves you and wants nothing but the best for you.

There is another reason for not drinking. Alcohol is a depressant.Why would I consume something that would invariably make me depressed and take away my passion for living? 

My friends, God loves you so much that he made moral laws to help us with making the right choices in life.  Deviating from those laws can sometimes bring fatal consequences just as the statistics quoted above.

My advice is simple. If you must drink, drink in moderation and do not get behind the wheel of your car if you've had any alcohol in your system. If you have any heart condition check with your doctor before you start. If, like me, you don't drink then continue on that same path.  

Your family and loved ones will thank you for making those choices.

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