
Thursday, June 23, 2016

You are not a mistake.You are where you need to be at this stage in life

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.Ephesians 2:10

Your story begins with the mighty crescendo of voices  when you are born. You are a miracle of God's workmanship. There was no mistake when you came into this world 

Just as God wrote the biographical sketches of people in the bible, your story is about to be written with God's fingertip. Like Adam and Eve, Job, Moses, Aaron, Samual, David,Saul, and countless others, God is about to write your story.

The beginning chapters of your life begin in a whimsical, carefree manner with a behind the scenes chorus of prayers from people when you hurt yourself, become sick, or simply endured the occasional injustices of life.

As you grow,  your  story becomes a page-turning, nail-biting epic as you encounter situations that cause heartache and pain, God  reminds you just as he reminded Job, Moses, Aaron, Samuel, David Saul and Peter that He isn't done with you and he will help you finish your story.

You were not a mistake. Your life impacts so many people around you who are relying on your story, filled with God's grace to show them the purpose for them in this life.

The chapters of your life are filled with heartwarming things like your baptism, the day you invited Jesus into your life, the camps you attended, family outings, and attending school to learn a skill that would allow you to support yourself in your later  years.

Some of your chapters are filled with the unthinkable tragedy like the death of a loved one. Whether it is a friend, sibling, parent, grandparent, it doesn't matter because the pain of those losses is still real.

Through those losses, God reminds you that he sent his son Jesus to walk with you on your  journey just as he walked with Peter, Andrew, Philip,Bartholomew,Thomas, Matthew, James, Labbaeus, and Paul. 

God continues to pen the chapters of your life as you suffer through the loneliness of pain. While you may feel as though life has lost it's meaning and has no purpose,  God reminds you that He continues to walk with you until you come out of  whatever life experience you had a stronger and more resilient than when you first began this journey.

God continues to remind you that you were never a mistake. You are where you need to be at this stage of your life. Each gripping chapter od your life is meant to reveal the hope that God has for the world searching desperately for life's meaning. 

As your story continues, you learn to trust God more fully with habits like prayer and establishing personal  reflection in the word of God, and finding a church you can attend each week, and getting  involved in a small group of believers who trust and love God as much as you do.

 Your story is becoming the light to the community around you. You are  God's mighty workmanship and a hope to others that it is possible to recover from the heartache of life's setbacks.

Just as you entered the world to the mighty crescendo of voices, your life's story ends with the mighty chorus of heavenly voices as our mighty Savior, Jesus, embraces you in a hug with the words, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." At your stories conclusion, God set's the pen down with great satisfaction that your story will be used to give hope to the world.

You are not a mistake. You are where God wants you to be at this stage of your life!

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