
Monday, June 27, 2016

As we begin the first week following the Brexit decision let us embrace the emotional upheavals like we would if we were on a Roller coaster.

12 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. 13 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask[a] anything in My name, I will do it. John 14:12-14

I am reminded that we live in a topsy-turvy world of  exceptional highs and incredible lows. Our emotions are a true gift from God that essentially differentiates us from the robots that man creates. 

The emotions we experience often do not show up until we experience a loss, an exhilarating sports victory, or when we open up our financial statement following a large one-day drop in  the stock market such as  we saw in the aftermath of the British people voting to be independent from the European Union.

I learned and have always known that the stock market responds to emotions of man. When the market crashed in 1929 million's of people ran to their bank to withdraw what remaining money they had in their account. Many decided to jump to their deaths over the pending doom of the crash. Still, others went into a depression resulting from joblessness. It took the wise words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt to calm the nerves of the masses with government programs to restore this nation. The Roosevelt era of public works administration presented some of the best examples of money well spent. You can find some of these works at this link.

So where am I going with this?  When we invest in the stock market which most of us do, you have to expect, at times, some market volatility, but you have to put your investment strategy into a proper perspective by thinking long term. Not tomorrow, not next week, but over a period of several years.It is from that perspective you will see steady increases.  So, in a sense, watching the stock market is akin to riding a roller coaster ride, something I do less and less as I mature.  

This coming week we will likely see 'aftershocks' of what happened on Friday, but we will also see our leadership coming forward, much like FDR did, and with well thought out words try to restore the calm of the people by giving them hope. 

 In one sense, there may be a blessing to come out of this experience which is the realization that our security doesn't come from our bank statements, our 401k's or Mutual funds, but our security comes from having a personal relationship with our redeemer, our savior Jesus Christ. He alone is our anchor, our rock when we open our financial statements and see our net worths have declined.

God wants to be your guide through whatever is dished out in life; the death of a loved one, market crashes, or unemployment. Our God will bring people into your lives to help you weather your personal storm, much like the Amercian public was blessed with the well-chosen words of FDR's fireside chats. 

As we begin the week,take several deep breaths and ask God to reveal to you from his word what he wants you to know to get through the coming week.

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