
Saturday, June 18, 2016

To my beautiful bride of 28 years, happy anniversary and thank you for saying 'I do' on that hot, steamy Saturday afternoon.

25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, 26 that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, 27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. 28 So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. Ephesians

It was 28 years ago today, on a steamy hot afternoon Linda and I said our vows before friends and family, in a little church in Fridley, Minnesota with Pastor Dave officiating the ceremony.  

I remember that day well. Linda was the bride God destined to help me in this life. I remember how beautiful she looked in that wedding dress. To say she almost knocked me off my feet that day would be an understatement. When the music started I remember  trembling  as I watched my beautiful bride being escorted down the aisle by her earthly father, and thinking to myself whether this was real, or a dream. Lo, this was real and, yes, God is presenting her as my bride.

Linda and I wrote our own wedding vows and, we made sure to include the words 'for better or for worse. Words that many couples, in those days of pre-nuptial agreements, were choosing not to include.

My earthly father was the role model for marriage. Despite health issues, he stayed committed to his bride.  In one conversation with dad, he reminded me that when he married my mom he did so 
for better or for worse. 

 When it came time to recite my vow to my bride, I trembled while my eyes got misty and my voice, filled with nervousness, recited each word. I knew God would be my helpmate while sending His holy spirit to guide my bride and me as we walked the  path before us.

As I reflect back to that late winter evening in 1974, I took another vow and opened the door to my heart to allow Jesus Christ to come in and give me the assurance of my salvation and the assurance that he would walk with me through whatever life dished out. As I look back, I would discover that God never broke any of his promises to me.

As we recited our vows Linda's good friend, 'Ginny' sang a beautiful song that left me  sobbing on the inside. At the song's conclusion, I remember , in my nervousness, in my trembling  almost missing my cue to kiss the bride.

As I reflect over the past 28 years of our marriage, with many blessings, God has never broken his promise. He was there for us in the best of times, and he was there for us in the worst of times. 

Linda, thank you for saying 'I do' twenty-eight years ago. Knowing what a blessing those years have been, I know I would do it all over again.

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