
Monday, September 7, 2015

God is using a broken country to redeem itself by allowing immigrants from Syria safe entry

“The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”  Psalm 27:1

I think everyone of us was following in one way or another the Syrian refugee crisis. We watched in horror as we hear about capsized boats with bodies of little children floating lifelessly to the beaches. Imagine our delight when one country decided to open up it's doors to allow these people in. 

A country, once broken, A country that had to live for decades with the reputation that one evil and sinister man convinced them to elect him to be their leader. A country that convinced them that Jew's, the feeble minded and anyone else that didn't fit the Aryan definition of a fit race should be eliminated.

  When they made the decision it was as though God had allowed these broken people to redeem themselves for their past atrocities. Meanwhile, in America we have political leaders trying to make fodder over such headlines as 'build a border and keep these people out, or 'make the immigrants speak American' or ' we can't allow immigration because some of them may be terrorists'.

Have we forgotten the value of immigrants in this country?  Have we forgotten that it is the immigrants who have started some of the most successful businesses that have employed millions in this country? Have we forgotten that immigrants bring with them new ways of doing things, building things, and coming up with products that make life easier for all of us?

 Since 9/11 we have become a much safer, more secure country than before. Sure, there is always room for improvement and sure we must find away to keep the drug cartels out, but we can still allow immigration at the same time we tighten up security.  Immigrants continue to provide the much needed labor for the millions of unfilled American jobs from the restaurants that provide service to the public to the sugar beet fields of Northwestern Minnesota. Immigrants pay taxes and contribute to the American economy just like the rest of us.

When I heard about Germany responding to the Syrian immigration crisis with compassion I was reminded by another era when America stood on the side lines refusing to respond to a crisis created by World war two until, that is, they could no longer ignore it.  

America  has always been a beacon of hope to millions around the world. and the Statute of Liberty, a gift by the French people, reminds us of this gift with it's phrase, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”  We must not allow paranoia, despair, and political fodder to make us fearful of immigrants because America is and continues to be a melting pot of many nations coming together creating an even greater nation.  

Today we celebrate these immigrants who have found safe passage in a once broken country.. I applaud  Germany for doing the right thing,  May your  country be blessed with the hard working ingenuity of this new immigrant group! May America rediscover the value of immigrants!

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