
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Episode #12: Families Coping with suicide-Grief Relief Television

When I look outside my window after supper I noticed that the sun is setting much more quicker. Pretty soon we will begin to suffer from vitamin D deficiency, a vitamin we get from the sunlight that plays on important role in our moods. As the sun sets earlier and earlier our tendency to become depressed increases as well,  The lack of vitamin D contributes to our ability to work through grief and sorrow issues, including when someone we love takes their life.

My wife and I know several people who have taken their lives. We are in touch with the survivors of these loved ones and we understand the incredible pain that wracks their bodies on a daily basis. It isn't unusual for suicide survivors to feel guilt and the wouldofshouldofcouldof's in the aftermath of the suicide. This episode you are about to watch will give suicide survivors coping strategies for coping with suicide.

On my website there is a list of support groups suicide survivors can access. You can find this and other faith stories at  

If you are a suicide survivor I want to encourage you and remind you that 'you're going to get through this journey. You are not responsible for the actions of your loved one, nor do you have to spend the rest of your life second guessing those actions. 

Toward the end of this episode the hosts introduce some people who help love ones with creating quilts in honor of loved ones who died. Here is that link:

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