
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The dangers of negative talk


Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Philippians 4:8

It seems that wherever we go we are bombarded by negative stimuli from every direction. Our conversations with people can be filled with sarcasm laced statements that do nothing but damage the human mind, body and spirit. 

I learned that we are all capable of producing these negative thoughts and statements. In the verse above I remember reading other translations that emphasize the word 'dwell'. To think or dwell on these things is to avoid things that contribute to the negativity.  Dwelling on something positive and good is to help the body to maintain it's equilibrium.

What are we watching on television? What websites are we clicking our likes to and what thoughts are we posting for the world to see?

 Election year is the one time where I see a lot negative posts from every direction. Negative posts about democrats, republicans, independents it doesn't matter.Those posts have a tendency to drag people down by attempting to invalidate the person..

 For example, say you post something you see on a political site that get's your gander up and increases your anger about the said object you decide to re-post it for everyone else to see of which others will comment their own views of the subject. You see the response you are getting and this only serves to increase your blood pressure and your other metabolic symptoms. Before you know it you are getting a massive headache. The headache, my friends is the outward symptom of the negative thought process.

I remember reading something where the best approach to any problem or complaint is to state the problem, but then to come up with the solution to the problem.  Politics is a strange bed fellow. We have a populace that hold some pretty deep political beliefs and some will always believe their opinions are right no matter what the other person says to persuade them otherwise.

  As we go about our day we need to be respectful of other's opinions and not try to always be right in every argument. When I have a conversation with people I will try to include the words, "I respect your opinion, but I also want to respectfully disagree and here is why"   When I use those words I am still validating the other person, but I am setting the foundation to express my opinion in a  manner that they will likely listen.

  Finally, I have memories of growing up in a family with my dad holding one political belief and mom holding the opposite. Both of my parents could not be persuaded to see the other side and at times there were heated arguments over who was going to be the next President in the white house. How much simpler it would have been if they had use those words " I respect your opinion, but I respectfully disagree and here is why."

I guess this is why I like reading the bible which for me are filled with very edifying words that can help us to keep our negative thoughts in check

We are all guilty of this very thing and all of us can find ways to express the positives each day. I know if all of us were to focus on positives of this life we just may exude the sweet aroma of Christ that may just very well draw, not repel others from the cross.

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