
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Dr. Ben Carson Presidential Announcement Full Speech (C-SPAN)

“But Jesus looked at them and said to them, ‘With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” Matthew 19:26

Isn't it just like God to have a  sense of humor regarding  the candidates that are running for President. The first Republican debates were like that as we saw Donald Trump, the supposedly   front  runner coming out only to look like a buffoon in the end.

Meanwhile, God saved his best for our country in the form of Dr. Ben Carson.  For those who do not know Dr. Carson he is a Christian man who came from nothing to lead a successful life. Dr. Carson came from poverty who was encouraged, as a child, to read  one book a day. That discipline lead Dr. Carson to excel in America';s educational system all the way to earning his medical degree and becoming a sought after neuro-surgeon to real young children with serious medical needs.

Some may ask what makes him qualified to be President of the United States. To that I add Dr.  Carson has more experience in collaboration and management than many of these politicians in office;  yet, he understands the struggles that people have  in this life.

 As a surgeon he understands the pain  on the faces of parents as  they wave goodbye to their child being wheeled on the gurney toward the doors marked 'surgery'.Dr. Carson has earned more degrees than most of us have earned in a lifetime and he challenges others to put down the  hopelessness and pick up the laptop and better themselves in the classroom.

 Education, he has learned is the secret to breaking the cycle of dependency. Dr. Carson is also prolife and in one of  his speeches he said that he was the guy that Margaret Sanger didn't think he deserved to live. As Dr. Ben Carson  gains popularity and gives people of all races hope that success isn't as elusive as   their govenment tells them, I believe the abortionists at Planned Parenthood and the liberal left who espouse dependency will one day be sitting in the ashes of past abortions and past failed policieswondering what just happened.

 God certainly does have a sense of humor bringing a man to the forefront  that represents the American dream, not the dependent America that the current administrion espouses.

 Join with me by getting on the Dr.Ben Carson campaign bus for his presidenntial run to the White house in 2016.

He is  the real deal!

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