
Friday, June 22, 2018

You are loved by the loving God who created you and made you for a purpose.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16

I have always been a history buff.  I love asking questions to those who were there at the time of historic events. I did this with the lady who opened the Mount Saint Helen's hotel one year before the Mount Saint Helen's disaster and learned that this area was a huge draw for many Castle Rock families. I also learned that she knew many of the people who perished that morning.

As I read through the history, I learned in the case of Mount Saint Helens, it was the governor of the state of Washington who essentially blamed the death toll on the victims who were there illegally before the eruption.

 In the case of one family, the father called the Forestry service and was given no indication that it was too dangerous for him to take his two young son's camping at the base of the mountain. Their deaths were confirmed when authorities discovered their 11 year-old-son in the back of the families pick-up covered in ash.  His 37-year-old widow's daughter was taunted at her school about her dad putting his son's in harm's way.

The reason for this post is so often we tell the families to move on in life while forgetting their loved one, while the same time become careful not to mention their loved one's name as if it would only conjure up 'bad' memories everyone else would just assume 'forget'; yet, in doing so we deny the person ever lived or the valuable contributions they gave their family while alive.

Families who have lost loved ones need to hear their loved one's name and the stories of others regarding them- for it is in those stories that their healing begins.

In honor of Mount Saint Helen's, I want to pay tribute to the following people who perished from what is now considered the greatest natural disaster in this country's history. Each individual on this list had a life and a family who loved them.

If you have lost a loved one, please remember it is okay to use their name and share the stories long buried in the back of your mind with those willing to sit down and listen to them. You may not realize by doing so, you may be helping others heal from the same loss you are struggling to cope with.

There is healing that comes with sharing your stories.

There were 57 people who died in the natural disaster known as Mount Saint Helens. Here is a list of those who died in this disaster.  ( Mount Saint Helen's list of those who perished simply doing what they wanted to do, but enjoy the natural beauty of Spirit Lake.

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