
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

If only the world around us could discover the hope that resides in us because of what Jesus Christ personally did for us?

Do you not know?Have you not heard?The Lord is the everlasting God,the Creator of the ends of the earth.He will not grow tired or weary,and his understanding no one can fathom. Isaiah 40:28

Sigh......... What is happening to our world we live in? It seems that every day I look in the paper, I read about someone else taking their life. The heaviness of hearts is everywhere. Hopelessness seems to prevail every way I turn.  We look to our political figures in full anticipation they will restore our hope, but even they disappoint us! They all grow tired and weary just like the rest of us. 

Sigh........ What is happening to our planet we live in? Should we not be surprised that this is the outcome when we're told that the religious teachings of old are irrelevant and not practical for the modern age?  Meanwhile, people without any hope are taking their own lives because they have swallowed the humanistic thinking that God is dead and no longer relevant to their own lives? 

Sigh, if only people who believe are able to openly share the things that God has done in their lives?  If only they can share that in the deepest of valleys God picked them up and walked with them on their journey of pain? If only they could tell their story of the hope that was restored because of what Jesus Christ did for them personally the night he died on the cross for them? If only they could hear your personal story of when Jesus came into your life?

If only they knew.........

My God is real. My God picked me up in the worse of times. My God spoke in whispers words of comfort that soothed my soul during times of stress and times of delight. He is there for me.

If only the world around us could discover the hope that we have? Might there be fewer suicides, drug overdoses? Might more people be engaged in the world around them by preparing for tomorrow's jobs instead of looking for their next drug high? Might there be more people out in the streets enjoying life rather than in treatment centers and our jails?

If only they knew..........................................

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