
Sunday, July 30, 2017

75/5000 Translate from: English Mandy Harvey: Deaf Si

This has been translated into the Albanian language for Christian friends to encourage them.

Ash ai shkoi së bashku, ai e pa një njeri të verbër që nga lindja. dishepujt e tij e pyetën duke thënë: '' Mësues, kush ka mëkatuar, ai apo prindërit e tij, që ai ka lindur i verbër? '
 "As ai, as prindërit e tij s'kanë mëkatuar," tha Jezusi, "por kjo ka ndodhur në mënyrë që veprat e Perëndisë mund të shfaqet në të. John 9 9

Gjatë viteve unë kam dëgjuar tregimet e njerëzve. Disa të mira, disa jo aq të mirë. Disa tregime të bëjë me buzëqeshje, ndërsa histori të tjera më bëjnë të qaj. I guess për shumicën prej nesh, kur kohë të vështira të ndodhë me ne, ne vetëm duam të heqin dorë. Jeta është e dhimbshme në kohë, unë të marrë atë. Unë kam qenë atje në gropë e dëshpërimit pyesin nëse unë do të marrë ndonjëherë.

Duke udhëtuar përmes jetës, unë jam i goditur nga mënyrat Perëndia prek njerëzit me talente unike që duket e pamundur. Mbaj mend vjet më parë, duke dëgjuar një shurdhër / verbër idiot i dijetar duke luajtur piano klasike mësuar atij nga gjyshja e tij, një grua që derdhet jetën e saj në djalin e saj të madh. Shumica e njerëzve withtheir gojët e hapur pyesin "si është e mundur kjo?" Në librin e kapitullit Luka 18:27 Jezusi thotë, "Ajo që është e pamundur me njeriun është e mundur për Perëndinë." Unë e kam shikuar lojra karrocë invalidësh basketboll me ballplayers me aftësi të kufizuara të rënda ekspozuar aftësitë e tyre atletike që tejkalojnë asgjë lojtarët shtypshëm trashë mund të bëjë.

Mandy Harvey është një tjetër shembull i dikujt që ka ardhur në kundërshtim të madh për të mbajtur në duke bërë gjë ajo ka kënduar gjithmonë loved-. Ajo mposhti humbjen e saj të dëgjimit duke zhvilluar aftësinë për të "dëgjuar" instrumentet dhe fjalët që ajo këndon. Ajo ishte aq e pabesueshme që ajo fitoi konkursin e saj Amerikës Got Talent.

I paraqitur këtë, sepse ajo përfaqëson një tjetër shembull nga Gjonit 9, ku Zoti na kujton se ne u bënë mënyrën se si ne jemi në mënyrë që veprat e Perëndisë mund të shfaqet për ju. Ju jeni me të vërtetë të mrekullueshme dhe të frikshme bërë!

Friday, July 28, 2017

Mandy Harvey: Deaf singer earns Simon's golden....

 As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth.  His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. John 9

Through the years I've listened to peoples stories. Some good, some not so good. Some stories make me smile while other stories make me cry. I guess for most of us when hard times happen to us, we just want to give up. Life at times is painful, I get that. I've been there in the pit of despair wondering if I would ever get out.

As I travel through life, I'm struck by the ways God touches people with unique talents that seem impossible. I remember years ago listening to a deaf/blind idiot savant playing classical piano taught to him by his grandmother, a woman who poured her life into her grand son. Most people with their mouths wide open ask 'how is this possible?' In the book of Luke chapter 18:27 Jesus says, "What is impossible with man is possible with God." I've watched wheel chair basketball games with ball players with severe disabilities exhibiting their athletic skills that far exceed anything able bodied players can do.

Mandy Harvey is another example of someone who has overcome great odds to keep on doing the thing she has always loved- singing. She overcame her loss of hearing by developing the ability to 'hear' the instruments and the words she sings. She was so incredible that she won her America's got talent competition.

I present this because it represents another example from John 9 where God reminds us that we were made the way we are so that the works of God can be displayed in you. You are indeed wonderfully and fearfully made!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

After 20 years Prince Harry finally begins to talk about the sudden death of his mom, Princess Di

Ecclesiastes 3New International Version (NIV)
3 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens

On August 31, 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales, died as a result of injuries sustained in a car crash in the Pont de l'alma road tunnel in Paris, France. Dodi Fayed and Henri Paul, the driver of the Mercedes-Benz S280, were pronounced dead at the scene.

Most of who were alive at that time remember watching the news and being stunned when we learned that Princess Di perished. For Prince Harry who was 12 at the time, it was a moment he just assumes forget.

Prince Harry revealed in many recent interviews that for the last 20 years he shut down his emotions about his mom's death. After all, at the age of 12, a time he most needed his mom, she wasn't there. He was in uncharted territory with the cascading painful emotions at a time that he was entering adolescence.

Prince Harry had what all of the studies reveal regarding child bereavement a delayed grief.  For the first 20 years after the death of his mom, he stifled his emotions which are not uncommon. There is often a stigma associated with having any sort of mental health crisis and so we attempt to bury our pain under the illusion that all is well.

This is especially prevalent in our modern society where people are taught the importance of working hard and staying busy during their grief. After all, we wouldn't want to let our guard down and let other's see our pain.  Yet, if we're not talking to others about what we're feeling inside,  it comes out in ways we least expect.For some, alcohol becomes their coping mechanism for this emotional pain.

 Prince Harry talked about the mindset of the average person which is believing that other people's lives are more perfect than their own- so we live each day under the illusion that all is well with us.

 Yet, he acknowledged in the interview that it is essential to talk to another person about our pain. One of his friends acknowledged that her mom reminded her that talking to someone about your pain actually brings healing

Interestingly, Harry has now made it his life's mission to bring mental health out of the dark caverns of despair and getting people to talk about their traumatic grief.

Often, it isn't until we lose someone we've loved that the relevance of our faith comes in. Before the loss, we amber through life, care free and happy while spending our days looking for smiles and laughter, often to the exclusion of God. We put God on the shelf, making momentary glances as we walk by.

Faith, for some, has relevance only for the major holidays while shelving their faith the rest of the year. Yet, for many of us, including myself, when we are confronted with the deep raw pain of grief, our faith in God becomes the anchor that keeps us steady because we see God as someone who wants to walk with us on our daily sufferings.

The moment God brought you into this world, His promises were to never leave you nor forsake you no matter what you've experienced.

Finally, just as Harry has found a cause of helping others who struggle with mental health, God will bring you out of your own personal journey with a new calling and a passion that will benefit others.

Monday, July 24, 2017

No matter how much pain you may be feeling, God truly does his greatest work when we have hit rock bottom.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”Matthew 11: 28-30

“You stand with the belligerent, the surly, and the badly behaved until the bad behavior is recognized as the language it is, the vocabulary of the deeply wounded and of those whose burdens are more than they can bear.”

― Gregory J. Boyle

Most people remember Jim Carrey as a very funny actor and comedian with a number of hit movies to his credit. Movies like the 'Cable guy', 'Lier Lier', 'The Mask', 'Horton hears a Why' and much more. We've all been entertain through the years with his comedic style. For me, my all time favorite Jim Carrey movie was the Truman show.  Jim Carrey had it all- fame, fortune, incredible notoriety when the bottom dropped out from under him when his ex-girlfriend committed suicide after a breakup.

 He was broken. 

Jim shares with this group of Christian believers part of his trauma and the important role that Jesus Christ plays in a person's life.  What Jim shared is accurate and true.  When life is going well, we forget about God as though his place is on the bookshelf like a lucky charm you can rub when you walk by it.  It often isn't until something bad happens to us that we, in the throes of helplessness, cry out to him in the most guttural voice we can muster.  

Jesus Christ never disappoints us because he always is there when things happen to us that are beyond our control. Over the years, I've noticed that Jesus has always responded to my prayer requests when life seemingly is out of control. 

 I can picture Jim Carrey crying out to God when the most unthinkable happened in his life.  For many A rated actors, the tabloids can be merciless to them. Every tabloid journalist is a picture or a juicy story away from a hefty payday even if the story is at the expense of the actor. Just think, for example, if you were in the constant limelight and at your lowest ebb, someone takes a picture of you that reveals your shame on the front page of the tabloid? 

Jim Carrey discovered just how forgiving Jesus was when he cried out to him.  

Through the years, I have listened to people share their stories, some who's pain was so horrific that they had given serious thought of throwing their life away.  From my own experience, I  discovered that God does his greatest work when people have hit rock bottom and they 'cry' out to the living Savior, Jesus Christ to rescue them.  Jim Carrey thanked this group of Christian believers for their commitment to their faith, implying that their unquestionable belief in God is a beacon to a hurting world.  I know nothing about how this group of people played in Jim's life, but I can only imagine that when he hit rock bottom and fame and fortune left him that it was the fervent, on fire, Christians who stuck by and prayed for him for God to heal his brokenness. 

No matter how you may be hurting, no matter how deep your pain may be, or alone you may feel, our God does his greatest work in the rescue business.

Won't you cry out to him and ask him to heal your brokenness just like Jim Carrey had done?

You will be glad you did.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

You are fearfully and wonderfully made as evidence by the Laminins in your body!

The words found in John3:16, 'For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life,' take on new meaning with the revelation of a simple protein molecule that is in our bodies. 

According to Wikipedia, Laminins are high-molecular weight (~400 to ~900 kDa) proteins of the extracellular matrix. They are a major component of the basal lamina (one of the layers of the basement membrane), a protein network foundation for most cells and organs. The laminins are an important and biologically active part of the basal lamina, influencing cell differentiation, migration, and adhesion.[1][2] The laminin family of glycoproteins is an integral part of the structural scaffolding in almost every tissue of an organism. They are secreted and incorporated into cell-associated extracellular matrices. Laminin is vital for the maintenance and survival of tissues

 laminin, like the steel rods of rebar, holding those concrete structures together, is literally the protein substance that holds us together!

Heavy sigh, as I thought about those moments when we want to give up on life, or a goal because'we're not good enough', or because in our mind God made a mistake when he created me'.

Sometimes, it seems, we can become our own worst enemy. Once I saw what laminin looked like ( ) it suddenly made sense how God fearfully and wonderfully made us!  We quite literally are marked throughout the body with this protein molecule which has become the glue that holds us together!

When you understand laminin, that other Bible verse where it says in Philippians 4:13 ' I can do all this through him who gives me strength'.makes sense!  It also makes sense that the greatest arsenal we have is the power of prayer which James 5 reminds us with these words: 

Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises. Are any of you sick? You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord. Such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make you well. And if you have committed any sins, you will be forgiven.

Yes, you are fearfully and wonderfully made as evidence of your unique DNA and laminin protein structure. You were not a mistake because of the methodical process he put into your particular DNA!

 Whether you live or die, you are the Lord's. He will be there when the good times roll, and he will be there when tragedy comes. 

 God will quite literally hold you together until the storm passes,  just as Colossians 1:17 states:  'He is before all things, and in him, all things hold together.'

The Laminin in your body, in the shape of the cross of Jesus, and your unique DNA is evidence of not only God's existence but how much God truly loves you!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Facebook has quite literally change the way we grieve!

so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.Romans 12:5

The amazing story behind Facebook is how it connects people you otherwise might have never known in this life. That is the case for me. 

Since Facebook's founding, people have discovered family and friends they never knew they had.  Facebook is the one media that connects all generations. It is a way for grandparents to keep in touch of the accomplishments of their son or daughter or their grandchildren. It has become a way to notify family and friends of an upcoming event.

 When a loved one dies unexpectedly, family members will often keep the deceased person's Facebook page going to remember them by.

When I learned of the sudden passing of Linda's first cousin Randy Kohlhase I posted something in honor of Randy's passing. One of the individuals that responded to my post was a  Saxophone player named Charlie Kohlhase. Charlie, I've learned is a distant cousin of my wife's family. Charlie mentioned that the late Dr. Randy Kohlhase and his wife drove all the way from Green Bay to Chicago to hear him perform at a Willow Jazz Club.  He knew them by name. His only regret was not staying in closer contact with them.

None the less, this little information gave me a little insight into Randy's interest in Jazz music.  Music, it seems,  draws us together whether it's going to a concert or throwing on a music CD or digital file. 

Music also makes life enjoyable. It is one way for us to take the 'blues' inside us and create an up temple beat that makes us want to smile. We combine music with Facebook when we upload songs to send to friends and family as a way of encouraging them.

It is why I enjoy going to Church every Sunday. it is an opportunity to take the pain  I feel within and sing praises to our loving heavenly Father.  Over the years, I have enjoyed listening to some very cool Saxophone players as part of the worship team.

Facebook has opened up opportunities to keep people together in an increasingly isolated society. It has literally changed the way we grieve!

Thank you, Mark Zuckerberg, for the vision of putting together Facebook!

Monday, July 17, 2017

It's the dawning of the new age

28 After this, Jesus, knowing[a] that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, “I thirst!” 29 Now a vessel full of sour wine was sitting there; and they filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on hyssop, and put it to His mouth. 30 So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit. John 19: 28-37

Ever stood near the edge of the Grand Canyon looking at the beautiful panoramic view of the morning sun rising across those rocks? Breathtaking, isn't it?  We work hard in life to afford trips in search of those breathtaking views.  In a sense, we live for those stunning pictures.

Somewhere in the world are loved ones in the remaining hours of their life. In a worldly sense, they've seen their better days,  now connected to life support waiting to die.

Some are lying in hospital beds where loved ones are gathered, touching and caressing their hand waiting for that inevitable moment when they have taken their' final' breath.

 Emotions run deep. Tears flow easily whenever they momentarily step away for a break.  Once they return they muster up their ability to smile again. In some of these rooms, someone is reciting Christian Bible verses, while in others are singing a chorus of Christian songs to the accompaniment of a lone guitar player.

Christian believers know that because of what Jesus did on the cross more than 2000 years ago they have the assurance that heaven will be their new home. Because of what Jesus's had done, death has lost its sting.  The price of their sin had been paid in full. Jesus's last words from the cross 'it is finished' says it all. Victory has been won, no more penance is required of them because of what  Jesus did for them.

Stories have been told throughout time in the waning moments of a dying person's life when they see visions of heaven's glory.

 Like walking through the long runway to a packed  NFL football game, the excitement of that glory builds to a mighty crescendo of cheers.  As our loved ones move away from their earthly existence, all the saints in heaven are shouting a glorious hallelujah just as they take their first breath of heavens air and they see loved ones, long absent from their lives, standing at the heavenly gate cheering them on while in the midst of them are the people they read about in the Bible from Jesus, Moses, David, Apostle Paul, Timothy and many more too numerous to mention.

If only you could see them after their last breath has been taken.  Instead of seeing an earthly body that grows colder, we see visions of our loved one throwing their hands in the air and shouting the victory chant, high fiving loved ones who were responsible for their spiritual growth.  If only we could see them getting a hug from the mighty King, Lord of lords, Jesus Christ?


There is a curtain in place that makes it harder to see heaven's glory. While there will be lots of celebrating for our loved one in heaven, life for those left behind is filled with tears and emotional ups and downs and a continual wondering if they would ever survive this pain.

There is hope for us left behind.  If we continue the rituals we had before our loved one died by continuing going to church at a place where they talk about Jesus and sing songs of his glory, then we will get a taste of what our loved one is experiencing. The church is a microcosm of what heaven will be like as we see people each week and offer encouraging words and prayers while singing glorious praises to our God and listening to God's word presented from the pulpit.

Because of what Jesus did on the cross more than 2000 years ago there is hope that one day you will see your loved one.  The central question for those left behind is 'where is Jesus right now in your life?' Is He on the sideline wanting to come into your life to make a difference? Or is He already the central part of your core being whispering words of encouragement in the most difficult parts of your life? You make the play.

Once you do, you will see Jesus ready to come into the game. All you have to do is call him.

It just may be the best decision you ever made!

Friday, July 14, 2017

God belooft de gebeden voor een leven te beantwoorden

Zorg ervoor dat je karakter vrij is van de liefde van geld, tevreden bent met wat je hebt; Want Hij Zelf heeft gezegd: "Ik zal u nooit verlaten, en ik zal u nooit verwerpen" Hebreeën 13: 5

Toen ik een echt jong kind was, herinner ik me dat ik in de zondagsschoolklasse in de Lutheran Reformation Church van Highway 100 zat te luisteren naar verhalen uit de Bijbel over Jezus. Ik herinner me in mijn kind dat het geloof de hemel als een aparte plek uit de aarde voorstelt en voor het eerst God ziet als iemand die van me hield.

 'S Avonds onthoud ik het nachtelijke gebed te bidden:' Nu leg ik me in slaap, ik bid de Heer, mijn ziel om te behouden, als ik dood moet worden voordat ik wakker word, bid ik de Heer, mijn ziel om te nemen. '

Ik herinner me de Bijbelkampen in deze zelfde kerk en lieve alles te leren over wat ik kon over Jezus.

Ik herinner me toen ik de Westview-basisschool bijwoonde met andere christelijke kinderen buiten het schoolterrein om een ​​middag per week meer te leren over Jezus. Ik was vervuld van ontzag dat Jezus zoveel van me hield dat hij voor mij stierf.

Ik herinner me dat ik Jezus vroeg waarom hij me als kind met gehoorverlies maakte en waarom ik een gehoorapparaat droeg toen ik mijn vrienden zonder die lelijke apparaten kon zien. Jezus heeft mij verzekerd. Hij heeft me zo veel lief gehad als de andere kinderen.

Ik herinner me net zoals ik de 6e klas zondagse schoollessen bij de Reformatie afliep, afscheid nemen van vriendschappen en het maken van nieuwe in een veel grotere, maar dichterbije kerk. Die herfst, ik herinner me beginnen met de bevestigingsklassen. Voor de eerste keer zag ik de huichelarij van andere middelbare schoolers, die er voor hun ouders uit de verplichting lijken te zijn, niet uit liefde voor Jezus. Mijn gebeden zijn verloren in een zee van hypocrisie. Ik was gegooid in een waanzin.

Ik herinner me tijdens deze tijd een gebed bidden die veel verfijnder was. Het voelen dat mijn ouders door moeilijke tijden gaan, heb ik voor hen gebeden. Ik keek mijn moeder in deze tijd in de strijd tegen depressie (ik heb haar niet verbonden met het verliezen van haar moeder tijdens deze periode als mede verantwoordelijk voor haar emoties)

'Beste Jezus, ik bid voor mijn moeder die er verdrietig uitziet en ik bid dat je haar zal troosten. Ik bid voor mijn vader dat je hem zal helpen om voor zijn familie te zorgen. Bedankt, Jezus, voor het sterven aan het kruis voor ons.

Toen ik op de middelbare school ging, was ik weer in de zee van hypocrisie en wanhoop verloren. We mochten de naam van Jezus niet op school noemen, vermoedelijk omdat religie en publieke educatie niet mengen. Mijn hoop was verloren in een zee van veroordeling en woede tegen degene die mij maakte. Mijn wanhoop bereikte het punt waar ik besloot om het hoorapparaat uit te schakelen die ik sinds de kleuterschool droeg. Mijn wereld werd kleiner als ik probeerde te communiceren met een normale gehoorwereld.

Net voordat ik studeerde, nodigde een vriend mij uit hoe ik een persoonlijke relatie met Jezus heb, kan mijn leven radicaal veranderen. Die vrijdagavond ging ik. Ik zag lachende gezichten in een zee van optimisme die ik nog niet eerder gezien had. Ik hoorde mensen zingen en klappen over hun liedjes over deze verlosser. Op het einde vertelde de liedleider zijn getuigenis over deze joodse timmerman die in zijn leven kwam. Hij nodigde ieder van ons uit om te luisteren naar de stem van degene die aan de deur van ons hart klopte. In de stilte van mijn gedachten en met zachte coaching van een van degenen die ik vertrouwde, bidde ik het gebed van verlossing: 'Lieve Jezus, ik weet dat ik een zondaar ben en dat niets dat ik in dit leven kan doen, mijn weg kan verdienen tot Hemel, ik open de deur naar mijn hart en vraagt ​​u om in mijn leven te komen. '

Ik kan het niet uitleggen, maar terugkijken is mijn leven radicaal veranderd vanwege dat gebed. Jezus liet me het vers van Johannes zien over de blinde man, waar zijn ouders werden verteld dat deze man niet geboren was vanwege zonde, maar hij werd zo gemaakt dat de werken van God in hem kunnen worden getoond. Ik zag mezelf zo uniek gemaakt.

In de loop der jaren waren mijn gebeden goed voor de tests, om me te helpen bepalen wat ik met de rest van mijn leven moet doen, waar ik moet werken, wie zou mijn vriend moeten zijn, wat ik op college moet studeren en ik heb gebeden voor mijn Ouders voor hun gezondheid.

Na mijn huwelijk met Linda, badden we voor kinderen en toen God eerbiedigde dat we voor hun gezondheid en voor hun redding bidden. We hebben ervoor gezorgd dat hun geloof zou bloeien door zich te verbinden aan een christelijke kerk die de Heer Jezus liefste met hun hele hart en elke vezel van hun wezen.

Toen het verdriet terugkwam bij ons jongste doorgang, herinnerde ik mijn hartelijke gebed simpelweg: 'Help me alsjeblieft mijn zoon te verhogen tot volwassenheid ongedeerd.' Ik schreef mijn gedachten en gooide alle emoties die ik op papier voelde omdat ik vastbesloten was het trauma niet te laten verliezen van een kind om ons niet te verslaan. Mijn Verlosser vereerde dat gebed door de preken en door vrienden in onze zondagskoolklasse

 Op een bovennatuurlijk niveau voelde ik Jezus de goede herder die zijn armen om ons heen liet en ons voorzichtig door de wanhoop en twijfel leidde. Terwijl ik gemakkelijk zal toegeven dat het verliezen van een kind het moeilijkste was dat ik ooit moest doen als ouder, was er geen twijfel dat God er voor onze familie was elke stap van de weg met ieder van ons geestelijk en emotioneel sterker uitkomen.

Waar is Jezus in je leven? Ik moedig u aan om te doen wat ik deed en ook

Dios promete responder oraciones por toda la vida ... mi blog en español

Asegúrese de que su personaje está libre del amor al dinero, contentándose con lo que tiene; Porque Él mismo ha dicho: "No os abandonaré jamás, ni os desampararé jamás" (Hebreos 13: 5).

Cuando yo era un niño muy joven, recuerdo haber estado en la clase de la escuela dominical en la Iglesia Luterana de Reforma fuera de la carretera 100 escuchando historias de la Biblia acerca de Jesús. Recuerdo en mi niño como la fe que representa el cielo como un lugar separado de la tierra y por primera vez vi a Dios como alguien que me amó.

 Por la noche, recuerdo haber orado esta oración de la noche, 'Ahora me pongo a dormir, le pido al Señor que mi alma se mantenga, si debo morir antes de despertar, oro al Señor mi alma a tomar.'

Recuerdo los campamentos de la Biblia en esta misma iglesia y amo aprender todo lo que pude acerca de Jesús.

Recuerdo cuando asistí a la escuela primaria pública de Westview caminando con otros chicos cristianos de la propiedad de la escuela para aprender más sobre Jesús una tarde a la semana. Me llenó de asombro que Jesús me amó tanto que murió por mí.

Recuerdo preguntarle a Jesús por qué me hizo como un niño con una pérdida de audición y por qué llevaba un audífono cuando podía ver a mis amigos sin esos feos artefactos. Jesús me aseguró que me amaba tanto como los otros niños.

Recuerdo que estaba terminando las clases de la escuela dominical de sexto grado en la Reforma teniendo que decir adiós a las amistades y hacer nuevas en una Iglesia mucho más grande, pero más cercana. Ese otoño, recuerdo haber comenzado las clases de Confirmación. Por primera vez, vi la hipocresía de otros estudiantes de secundaria que parecían estar allí por obligación con sus padres, no por amor a Jesús. Mis oraciones se perdieron en un mar de hipocresía. Estaba arrojando una balsa de desesperación.

Recuerdo durante este tiempo orando una oración que era mucho más sofisticada. Al sentir que mis padres estaban pasando por momentos difíciles, oré por ellos. Miré a mi mamá durante este tiempo luchando contra la depresión (no la conecté perdiendo a su madre durante este período como parte responsable de sus emociones)

"Querido Jesús, rezo por mi madre que parece triste y te ruego que la confortes. Rezo por mi papá para que lo ayudes a mantener a su familia. Gracias, Jesús, por morir en la cruz por nosotros.

Cuando llegué a la escuela secundaria, una vez más me perdí en el mar de la hipocresía y la desesperación. No se nos permitió mencionar el nombre de Jesús en la escuela, supuestamente porque la religión y la educación pública no se mezclan. Mi esperanza se perdió en un mar de condenación y enojo hacia el que me hizo. Mi desesperación llegó al punto en el que decidí quitarme el aparato auditivo que llevaba puesto desde la preescolar. Mi mundo se hizo más pequeño cuando traté de comunicarse con un mundo auditivo normal.

Justo antes de graduarme, un amigo me invitó a escuchar cómo tener una relación personal con Jesús puede cambiar radicalmente mi vida. Ese viernes por la noche fui. Vi rostros sonrientes en un mar de optimismo que no había visto antes. Oí gente cantando y aplaudiendo las canciones de su mano acerca de este redentor. Al final, el líder de la canción compartió su testimonio sobre este carpintero judío que entró en su vida. Nos invitó a escuchar la voz de quien llamaba a la puerta de nuestro corazón. En la quietud de mi mente y con un suave entrenamiento de uno de los que confiaba, rezaba la oración de salvación: "Querido Jesús, sé que soy un pecador y que nada de lo que pueda hacer en esta vida puede ganar mi camino a Cielo, abro la puerta de mi corazón y te pido que entre en mi vida.

No puedo explicarlo, pero mirando hacia atrás mi vida fue radicalmente cambiada por esa oración. Jesús me mostró el versículo de Juan acerca del ciego, donde se le dijo a sus padres que este hombre no había nacido ciego debido a algún pecado, pero fue hecho de esta manera para que las obras de Dios puedan ser mostradas en él. Me vi como único hecho.

A través de los años, mis oraciones fueron por hacer bien en las pruebas, por ayudarme a decidir qué hacer con el resto de mi vida, donde debía trabajar, quién debía ser mi amigo, lo que debía estudiar en la universidad y oré por mi Padres por su salud.

Después de mi matrimonio con Linda, oramos por los niños y cuando Dios honró que oramos por su salud y por su salvación. Nos aseguramos de que su fe floreciera manteniéndose comprometida con una iglesia cristiana que amó al Señor Jesús con todo su corazón y cada fibra de su ser.

Cuando la tristeza regresó con nuestro más joven paso, recuerdo mi sincera oración simplemente, 'Por favor, ayúdame a levantar a mi hijo a la edad adulta indemne.' Escribí mis pensamientos, arrojando cada emoción que sentía en el papel porque estaba decidido a no dejar que el trauma de perder a un niño no nos derrotara. Mi Salvador honró esa oración a través de los sermones ya través de amigos en nuestra clase de la escuela dominical

En un nivel sobrenatural, sentí a Jesús, el buen pastor, envolviéndonos los brazos y guiándonos suavemente a través de la desesperación y la duda. Aunque admito que perder a un niño fue lo más difícil que tuve que hacer como padre, no había duda de que Dios estaba allí para nuestra familia a cada paso del camino, con cada uno de nosotros saliendo espiritualmente y emocionalmente más fuerte.

¿Dónde está Jesús en tu vida? Te animo a hacer lo que hice y

My prayers through a lifetime......

Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,” Hebrews 13:5

When I was a really young child, I remember sitting in the Sunday school class at the Lutheran Church of Reformation off of Highway 100 listening to stories from the Bible about Jesus. I remember in my child like faith picturing heaven as a separate place from the earth and for the first time seeing God as someone who loved me.

 At night, I remember praying this nighttime prayer, ' Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I awake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.'

I remember the Bible camps at this same church and loving learning all I could about Jesus.

I remember when I attended Westview public Elementary school walking with other Christian kids off of the school property to learn more about Jesus one afternoon a week. I was filled with awe that Jesus loved me so much that He died for me.

I remember asking Jesus why he made me as a child with a hearing loss and why I wore a hearing aid when I could see my friends without those ugly devices. Jesus assured me He loved me as much as the other children.

I remember just as I was ending the 6th grade  Sunday school classes at Reformation having to say goodbye to friendships and making new ones at a much larger, but closer Church. That fall, I remember starting Confirmation classes.  For the first time, I saw the hypocrisy of other middle schoolers who seemed to be there out of obligation to their parents, not out of love for Jesus. My prayers got lost in a sea of hypocrisy. I was tossing in a raft of despair.

I remember during this time praying a prayer that was much more sophisticated. Sensing that my parents were going through difficult times, I prayed for them. I watched my mom during this time battling depression ( I didn't connect her losing her mom during this period as partly responsible for her emotions)  

'Dear Jesus, I pray for my mom who looks sad and I pray you will comfort her.  I pray for my dad that you will help him to provide for his family.  Thank you, Jesus, for dying on the cross for us.  

When I reached high school, I was once again lost in the sea of hypocrisy and despair.  We weren't allowed to mention the name of Jesus in school, supposedly because religion and public education don't mix. My hope was lost in a sea of condemnation and anger toward the one who made me. My despair reached the point where I decided to take off the hearing device I  wore since pre-school. My world became smaller as I tried to communicate with a normal hearing world.

Just before I was to graduate, a friend invited me to hear how having a personal relationship with Jesus can radically change my life. That Friday night I went. I saw smiling faces in a sea of optimism that I hadn't seen before. I heard people singing and clapping their hand's songs about this redeemer. At the end, the song leader shared his testimony about this Jewish carpenter that came into his life. He invited each of us to listen to the voice of the one knocking at our heart's door. In the quietness of my mind and with gentle coaching of one of those I trusted, I prayed the prayer of salvation- 'Dear Jesus, I know that I'm a sinner and that nothing I can do in this life can earn my way to heaven, I open the door to my heart and ask you to come into my life.'

I cannot explain it, but looking back my life was radically changed because of that prayer. Jesus showed me the verse from John about the blind man where his parents were told that this man wasn't born blind because of some sin, but he was made this way so that the works of God can be shown in him.  I saw myself as uniquely made. 

Through the years, my prayers were for doing well on the tests, to help me decide what to do with the rest of my life, where I should work, who should be my friend,  what I should study in college and  I prayed for my parents for their health.

After my marriage to Linda, we prayed for children and when God honored that we prayed for their health and for their salvation.  We made sure their faith would blossom by staying committed to a Christian church that loved the Lord Jesus with all their heart and every fiber of their being.

When the sadness returned with our youngest passing, I remember my heartfelt prayer simply, 'Please help me raise my son to adulthood unscathed.'  I penned my thoughts, tossing every emotion I was feeling on paper because I was determined not to let the trauma of losing a child not to defeat us.  My Savior honored that prayer through the sermons and through friends in our Sunday school class

 On a supernaturally level, I sensed Jesus the good shepherd wrapping his arms around us and gently leading us through the despair and doubt.  While I will readily admit that losing a child was the hardest thing I ever had to do as a parent, there was no doubt that God was there for our family every step of the way with each of us coming out Spiritually and emotionally stronger.

Where is Jesus in your life? I encourage you to do what I did and open the door to your heart and ask Him in.

There is no doubt you will be glad you did!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Life is a journey that is filled with valleys and peaks.....never give up no matter how you feel

The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.Psalm 116:5

The longer I live, the more I see how life's circumstances impact people around me.I see people, after trauma occurs, who are willing to throw in the towel long before they see the finish line of life. Depression, it seems, is a topic that no one wants to talk about. People don't talk about it because of the fear of ostracism from those around them. They are told to just throw themselves into work, or go to church more, or read the bible more and things will be Ok; yet, they do not give them permission to share their story with them. Individuals who are struggling with traumatic life experiences have a zillion thoughts bouncing from synapse to synapse waiting to be shared, if only they could find someone to share those thoughts with.

Life is not about winning the lottery, gaining that huge promotion to easy street, or sitting in the endless sea of blessings.  Certainly, there are more good things about life that makes us smile, but life is also filled with those moments of sadness and despair when loved ones slowly disappear from our lives.  One particular post I read about the birth of a child while at the same time they were grieving the loss of their grandfather. Mixed emotions can best describe what their family was going through.

Life is filled with loss. As I've learned, losses can occur at any age.  Some losses are more painful than others. When a 100-year-old grandmother dies, we celebrate her life, but when a child dies we hurt sometimes for several years. When we lose a friend or family member to suicide we hurt deeply while at the same time wondering if there wasn't something they might have done to prevent their death. I believe, no matter who died, that God has a heart of compassion for the loved one who died, as well as, for those sojourning through grief.

If you can picture Jesus Christ, the one who died for us all, wrapping his arms around you when grief occurs while at the same time comforting the one who died, I think you will understand Jesus's role in your life and the lives of your loved ones.

We have a beautiful Savior who loves you more than you could ever imagine. He will see you through the journey you are on.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

What if you had a personal encounter with Jesus?

Through him, we have also obtained access by faith[b] into this grace in which we stand, and we[c] rejoice[d] in hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5 and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. Romans 5

If you knew that this would be your final day of your life, how would you live it? What if you had a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus who seemingly knew everything about you, yet you wonder how because you never met this man before?  How might you respond when he relayed heart-wrenching things in your life that you just assume forgetting? Perhaps it was the long forgotten personal tragedy that set you on your present course of despair, or perhaps it was something that happened to either of your parents that cause them to ride the emotional roller coaster of despair? What if this personal encounter with Jesus gave you the assurance that no matter what happens in your life He has redeemed you and given you a free pass to heaven?  What if this personal encounter with Jesus gave you a new purpose for living amidst the pain you're feeling?

One day, all of us will have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.  Some will have it when we go to Him in prayer, in our personal quiet times with our Lord, or when experiencing worship with other believers. Sadly, there will be others who will travel their entire lifetime forgetting the things of God when their life flatlines and they find out that it wasn't the money or status that saves us, but what Jesus did on the cross for us. 

What if you consider the greatest redemptive story- Jesus rising from the dead and made alive- is true and you use this as the basis to assure heavenly inheritance? What if you said 'yes Lord I receive you as my Savior and Lord of my life?

You see, the Bible is very clear that God does not want anyone to perish, yet He hates sin. But, you have this assurance that He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for you.  No matter what you have done in this life Christ loves you more than you can imagine. No tragedy in this life can ever separate you from the love of God. 

Won't you say yes to Jesus?

Saturday, July 8, 2017

It was recently brought to my attention that my sister's best friend passed away; a friend that reached out to her at a time she lost her niece

Romans 5:4 [Full Chapter]
and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,

It was brought to my attention by my sister that one of the individuals who reached out to our family died from complications of heart problems. This 73-year-old woman, I learned a while ago, had lost her daughter and her granddaughter. She understood the horrible grief of losing a child which is why, I think, she reached out to us at a time that others were running from us.

 She also loved the Lord Jesus with her entire being and it was her faith that kept her strong and helped her heal from the incredible pain of losing a child. So it was natural that when she learned of our daughter's passing to reach out and give us a ray of hope that things will get better in time. 

She was also my sister's best friend who kept in touch with her despite being separated by several states.

One of the most difficult things about losing people we love is how much smaller our world becomes.  One less friend means one less person that helps us feel connected in this world.The older we become the more losses we will encounter and the smaller our circle of friends becomes. 

Which is another reason why it's important to find a good Christian church and settle our roots sown deep so we can become well nourished and strong in faith.  The longer we attend a local church the more we will see others experiencing deep losses. 

 Grief and deep sorrow are givens in life.  The local church where we can lay our roots down becomes our family as losses occur.  As we worship our living creator Jesus and feel each emotion of our pain, God will use our pain to help others heal. He won't waste your pain.

My sister's friend, Kathy, may no longer be in her earthly body, but we know that it was her unquenchable faith in Christ that assured her that she is in heaven experiencing unbelievable fellowship with the saints that had gone before her. 

To those of us going through the grief of missing loved ones, our job from this point on is never giving up. As long as you are breathing your job is to share Jesus with as many people you know and pull them into the Kingdom of God. The pain of your sorrow may linger for seemingly many months, but reading God's holy bible and discovering the truths of Jesus will give you a new hope that will help you thrive in life.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

When we are impacted by grief, we often lose the ability to laugh- some thoughts of how we can reignite our ability to laugh

A time to weep,
And a time to laugh; Ecclesiastes 3:4

We live in a tightly wound up society that has forgotten how to live life with joy filled with the ability to laugh freely. That was one of the first things I lost when our family encountered the tragic loss of 2007. Grief is like a thief that comes in the middle of the night to rob you of your sleep while settling bad thoughts into your mind.  It plants those insidious ideas like "you should have been there for your loved one", or "you failed to keep your loved one alive".  Every time those thoughts bombard you, the brain is being rewired.  

I was intrigued with this short video because it illustrates the importance of laughter in our lives.  Laughter, I believe, is as important to the substance of life as food, water, and oxygen. It is what brings enjoyment to living.

So why are we not laughing more?   Look around you and tell me what you are seeing and hearing on the news?  The odds are many will respond to that question with sad and very distressing news!  The late ABC News correspondent, Peter Jennings, started smoking again while reporting the post world trade center collapse just to cope with the indescribable tragedy- he died not long after from cancer.

We are coping with tragedy with the wrong coping mechanisms of life. We are drinking to bury the pain, smoking pot to sedate the tragedy, or smoking cigarettes to cope with some very bad things in our lives.  We're doing everything but processing our pain, one emotion at a time and learning to laugh again.

My challenge is this- find something in your life that will get you to laugh!  Some thoughts are watching some very funny television shows like 'Fawlty Towers', or listen to a non-offensive stand-up comedian. If you can learn to laugh at least 20 minutes a day, it will do wonders for your outlook on life and your ability to enjoy life to the fullest.

To those who haven't heard of Fawlty Towers, I'm including an episode below to enjoy and to learn to laugh!

Finally, grief doesn't have to be the defining moment of your life. Sure it stinks when tragedy happens to us. I get that. I've learned in my own journey that grief is universal regardless of the background of the bereaved.  I've personally learned in my journey that Jesus Christ, the one who died and rose in one of the greatest redemptive stories of time wants to personally walk with you on whatever journey you're on. 

So ask Him to teach you to laugh again!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy 4th of July, America's birthday

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.Matthew 11:28

America is made up of proud immigrant people who risked their lives to come to this country. Some never made it, while others arrive on Ellis Island with just the clothes on their back.  Most grieved for the land they left behind and their homes that were filled with memories of long-held family traditions- all for the sake of starting over and giving their children a future.  I was impressed to learn that immigrants were more likely to start successful businesses. 

In one articleimmigrant-founded Fortune 500 companies employed 3.6 million workers around the world in 2011 and were responsible for more than $1.7 trillion in revenues in 2010, according to the Partnership For A New American Economy.

A 2012 report found immigrants as a whole were more than twice as likely to start a business in America as someone born in America.  As of 2011, Immigrant-run businesses employ 1 in 10 American workers.

 Here are just some of the immigrant founders of some of the biggest corporations:

Google-Immigrant Founder: Sergey Brin Country Of Origin: Russia Fun Fact: Google was named after the mathematical term "Googo

AT&T-Immigrant Founder: Alexander Graham BellCountry Of Origin: Scotland Fun Fact: Bell originally came to the U.S. as a teacher of the deaf, which led him to the invention of microphone and later the telephone.

Goldman Saches-Immigrant Founder: Marcus Goldman Country Of Origin: Germany Fun Fact: Goldman Sachs was founded in 1869 in New York City. The company began in a one-room office on Pine Street.

Ebay-Immigrant Founder: Pierre Omidyar Country Of Origin: France Fun Fact: Pierre and his wife are the single biggest private donors to efforts against the human trafficking industry.

Radio Shack-Immigrant Founder: Theodore and Milton Deutschmann Country Of Origin: England Fun Facts: RadioShack was named after the wooden compartment that held the radio equipment on ships. The first store opened in 1921 in Boston, Massachusetts.

Kohl's -Immigrant Founder: Maxwell Kohl Country Of Origin: Poland Fun Fact: Maxwell Kohl worked in factories around Milwaukee until 1927, when he finally saved up enough money to open a small grocery store, the beginning's of Kohl's.

ComcastImmigrant Founder: Daniel Aaron Country Of Origin: Germany Fun Fact: Aaron’s first job was actually as a journalist. He was working on a story about a cable company when his interest in the industry took off.

Big Lots-Immigrant Founder: Sol Shenk Country Of Origin: Russia Fun Fact: Big Lots started as a auto parts wholesale shop in 1967.

Yahoo-Immigrant Founder: Jerry Yang Country Of Origin: Taiwan Fun Fact: At age 10, the only English word Yang knew was "shoe."

Nordstrom-Immigrant Founder: John W. NordstromCountry Of Origin: Sweden Fun Fact:Nordstrom came to the U.S. in 1887 when he was 16 with only $5 in his pocket.

Colgate-Immigrant Founder: William Colgate Country Of Origin: England Fun Fact: In 1806, Colgate's first business was a starch, soap and candle businessin New York City.

Sara Lee-Immigrant Founder: Nathan CummingsCountry Of Origin: Canada Fun Fact: It was an accident that Cummings was born in Canada. His parents were coming to America from Lithuania when they mistakenly got off the boat in Saint Johns, Canada, rather than their intended destination: New York City.

Dupont-Immigrant Founder: E.I. du Pont Country Of Origin: France Fun Fact: du Pont studied explosives production techniques and worked at France’s central powder agency as a teenager in the late 1700s.

Kraft Foods-Immigrant Founder: James L. Kraft Country Of Origin: Canada Fun Fact: James Kraft could barely scrap up the money to get Kraft Foods started in New York City after the cheese company he invested in went under.

Pfizer- Immigrant Founders: Charles Pfizer, Charles Erhart Country Of Origin: Germany Fun Fact:Pfizer and Erhart started the company with a $2,500 loan from Pfizer's father.

Proctor and Gamble-

Immigrant Founders: William Procter, James Gamble Countries Of Origin: England, IrelandFun Fact: Procter was encouraged to come to the U.S. in 1830 after his shop in London was destroyed by fire and burglary.

Today's immigrants are starting successful small businesses that may one day be household recognizable names in the future. One such person I personally know is a man who immigrated to America from Syria several decades ago to complete his college degree along with successful corporate experience before founding his own company. I'm proud to call this man with the entrepreneurial spirit my friend.  

Happy birthday America and thank you to the former and current immigrants coming to America to realize their dreams that ultimately benefit all of us.


Monday, July 3, 2017

What the Church and small groups meant to our family

Ephesians 5:25Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,

Shortly after my wife and I got married, we recognized that the two of us needed to belong to a local church.  Going beyond that, we knew that we needed to be accountable to God and other younger couples to help make our marriages strong. 

In the beginning, we were all striving for the same things in life.  From building our homes to starting young families we were doing life together.  This group was considered a 'mini-congregation' or a small group within the bigger church where everyone knew your name.

  In the beginning, we even had a weekly newsletter  referred to as 'the blueprint.'  We celebrated marriage anniversaries, birth announcements, and even birthdays.  We sought prayer from others as we entered difficult phases of our lives. We were doing life together.

As we entered more difficult challenges in life, Homebuilders became a group that cared. It became the lifeblood that sustained our Christian walk through the most difficult challenges in life. From the great recession of 2007 to the physical losses of loved ones, this group sustained us as our friends prayed for us.

One thing I have learned on m journey is that everyone needs to be involved in a local church and a small group where your spiritual needs can be nourished. I won't sugar coat this because at times life can be incredibly difficult to handle, but  I believe God uses the local church and the people within it to help us as we face the difficult life challenges.

My message to all young people is this: find a local Christian church and begin attending every week regardless of how you're feeling.  Our feelings are like the caboose of the train. It has no engine and it cannot drive us, but it is our faith in Christ ( the engine that drives that caboose) that keeps us going one day at a time.

Life is hard and it can be especially treacherous as unspeakable losses enter our lives, but God assures us in his word that he will help you on whatever journey you're on.