
Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Church isn't about perfect people, but about imperfect and sick people in need of the Savior.

6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

                                    Colossians 2:6-7

Yesterday, my wife and I attended the 4:00 showing of 'Hidden figures' with dinner afterward at the Olive Garden with good friends of ours that I should add I've known since the 1980's The husband of this couple I got to know through the Navigator Colossians 2:6-7  discipleship program. There were roughly 5 other guys in this group that met on a frequent basis sharing our lives, holding each other accountable, and sharpening each other's sword with our memorization of bible verses.
Through this group of committed believers, we grew in our faith as we helped build our lives on a firm foundation of faith.

Having said that, it was my friend Don who was the first person shortly after the loss of my daughter who threw a lifeline when he sent me a  short e-mail that let me know that he was going to be there in the months ahead as I traveled this isolating journey of traumatic grief. It was my grief that leads him to share the tragic loss of his younger brother and the profound effects that this loss had on his mom. I saw in Don, not a broken man, but a man who walked with God and was willing to walk with others recently broken because of their own losses.

I no longer see the church I attend as made up of perfect people. When I go to church I see people experiencing journeys of their own. I see people sitting in the sanctuary ready to sing with all their heart praises to the mighty king, our savior Jesus. I see people who come with the desire to know Jesus and build an even stronger foundation of faith for themselves.

Life is not about quitting when the going to get's tough, but it's about persevering through the darkest times in our lives. The church is not about perfect people dressed in perfect clothes and sharing their perfect lives, but the church is about people who are imperfect who are in need of the Savior.  The church is about people coming together and helping each other build a stronger foundation of faith.It's about learning to do life together.

So, if you are not feeling the greatest either emotionally or physically on Sunday morning go to church anyways and watch God meet you where you're at. 

Just as Psalm 30:5 reminds us,  weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.

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