
Thursday, October 11, 2012

God never, never, never,never gives up on you

But others fell on good soil and produced a crop. They grew up, increased in size, and produced 30, 60, or 100 times what was sown." Mark 4:8
I have this peace plant sitting in my office. The plant has deteriorated over the years. Still in it's original container the plant isn't doing so well. I refuse to give up on it. The peace plant was given to us shortly after Maria died. Someone suggested that I re-pot the plant and get some fresh soil around the roots and then nourish it with plant food and fresh water. In just a week I noticed that the plant is beginning to come back.

Isn't that the way it works in life?  The culture we live in could determine whether we thrive or die depending on the environment our roots are laid down?. We hang around drug users and pretty soon we become one ourselves.  We go out to the bars with friends and pretty soon we're having booze parties at our home.  We hang around people who like dope and pretty soon we start using it.  We innocently look at pornography on the internet and pretty soon we have a mindless addiction that we cannot quit.  Our roots are in the wrong soil just like my plant..

Which is why Minnesota Teen Challenge has the best record for success of any treatment program.  They take the adults from their old soil where their roots are dying and they put them into the new soil (treatment program) and surround them with people who will encourage them on their sobriety goals and share God's love with them so Christ can really do what He does best which is to change a person from the inside out.

What kind of soil are your roots in?  Is it old and brittle?  Does your pot need to be changed and fresh dirt added to a completely different pot?  Are you giving it all of the wrong nourishment much like those with chemical or psychological addictions?  

Just when you may feel like giving up God isn't ready to throw in the towel. We all love come back stories where someone comes back from extraordinary odds to win some athletic competition. A recent example was watching a double amputee win in one of the running events with his set of running blades. The movie series, Rocky Balboa, is another popular example of people loving comeback stories.

Will you be the next comeback story after re-planting your roots deep into fresh soil and watering and nourishing those roots so those roots will grow deeper?  God will help you find your fresh soil. Won't you go to him now and ask Him to help you?

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