
Friday, November 11, 2016

At the very core of these freeway protests are woman who have been harmed by the 'male indiscretions' of life

We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves. 2 Corinthians 4:7

Last night, I watched the live video feed of the mass protests on I-94 in the Riverside area that for a brief period of time shut down that main thoroughfare.  I asked myself why would these protestors do that? 

Then, I started listening to the heart of those protesters. When Bill Clinton stated that, " I did not have sex with that woman in the oval office', or when incoming President  Donald Trump excuses his statements toward women  as 'lockerroom indiscretions', it  invalidates woman and sends a message to all woman that the pursuit of the female is like going on a safari hunt pursuing that big game trophy. 

 While their victims lay in the path of destruction,  men are lighting cigars and talking about their male conquests like it was something to  be proud about. 

As parents, we need to do a better job raising our son's. to respect and value woman, not as conquests, but as precious vessels worthy of respect.  Instead of excusing their conquests as 'boys will be boys' we need to teach them how to truly treat a woman.  

 Woman want men who are willing to open up their hearts with them, not mow them down with harsh words as though you have a machete in your hand.  

Donald Trump needs to come clean this time, not by excusing these female indiscretions as things of his 'younger me', but  needs to apologize, seek forgiveness, and lean on God to help him to morph into a new life that truly respects women. 

In fact, all men ought to recognize the damaging effects their  words and actions have on women and confess them to God.  Men need to know that we have a sin problem that needs to be addressed. 

When men pursue money, status, and career goals instead of the very things that God wants for them , they are  causing collateral damage to every human in their path. 

 The recent freeway shutdown is a reminder of the damaging effects our words and actions can have on them. 

I offer these suggestions for men to change their thinking and their hearts. (1) Make God a priority in your life by attending church regardless of how you are feeling at any given moment. Go when you are depressed. Go when you feel guilty. Just go because by going you just may receive a word of encouragement either from the pulpit or from other men you cross paths with.

 (2) Have regular 'talking times' with God- alone times where you and God can talk about matters of the heart, and where God can reveal things that you need to process.

 (3)  Learn to treat a woman like the precious vessel they are, not some conquest from a safari hunt. Learn to listen to their hearts, not talk over them as though their hearts didn't matter. 

 Finally, many men didn't have stable male role models growing up and in fact may have been victims of abuse from those machete waving men.  If this was the case for you know that Jesus Christ wants to be your role model--to shape you into the man God wants you to be. Get yourself a red letter edition new testament and begin reading the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and really listen to Jesus as he speaks to you.

 If we all did this we might find that this could be the biggest game changer in our lives. If instead of mowing down woman, we find ways of building them up with encouraging words, women will be able to venture out in life's activities without fear of becoming victims and our boys and girls will be filled with a greater sense of security. 

Men have a unique position in life. We are often the leaders. When we first pursue the things of God before we take on the world, great things will happen. As men everywhere recognize their need for God, revivals happen.

  Our nation just may be on one of the greatest revivals in the history of man!

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