
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Where is God?

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.Psalm 34:18

We live in a very sanitized world that believes that as long as I'm doing well in this life, earning a good income and the more prosperous we become the more blessings God pours out on us. At least this typically what it means to be an 'American' Christian 

On the other hand,when I read the 4 gospels of the actual words of Jesus  I get a picture that God is with the broken-hearted.

He is aat the bedside of a veteran who just lost 2 of his limbs
He is at the bedside of a family saying goodbye to their loved one
He is  walking with a family who just experienced poverty for the first time.
He is with the homeless person as he looks for a place to stay
He is speaking in the dreams of those searching for truth

We have it all wrong when we think that the more prosperous we are the more faithful God is to us. I remember the words from Matthew where Jesus says that it will be harder for a rich man to get into the Kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, and thinking 'really?' But, as I reflected on those words I began to see why. Wealth has a tendency to make us self -reliant, self- sufficient and  have  an attitude that I can do all things 'without God'.  In America, we've become so use to the left brain reason side that we push down the emotional dream side as mushy, wishy-washy and not reliable; yet, in other places of the world God is speaking and changing lives through dreams.

When brokenness enters your life, rest assure that God is there with your every step of journey. He is there,

When he speaks to you in a dream words of encouragement
When a friend stops by you, calls you, or sends you an e-mail of encouragement
When the Pastor shares a passage of scripture you believe  was meant for you
When someone from prayer works tells you they have been praying for you
When other people open up with their own stories of encouragement

Recently, Matt Redman, with the help of  thousands of people in Time Square  sang the song '10,000 reasons'. As I watched this video I couldn't help but think that this is what heaven will be like when my life's purpose is complete. In this sea of faces I saw people of all nationalities, all income levels, and on different journey's- loss of a loved one, loss of a job, sickness, disability, etc. I also saw words of praise to God right in Time's square/ I thought, if only this kind of praise would spread all across the country- we just might  have a revival of epic proportions. 

Muslim's converting to Christianity. 
Athiest finding Christ
Christians renewing their commitment to Jesus and allowing the holy spirit to do mighty works within. 
I can just picture the business men and woman caught up with the monetary pleasures of this life taking a break and looking at the spiritual side they had been ignoring all too long.
Men and woman who had lived a life of abusing others repenting and living a new life in Christ

The next time we ask the question, 'where are you God' simply read the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John where you will see quite vividly that God is with teh broken hearted.

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