
Monday, July 16, 2012

Straight talk to guy's on accountability

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. 1 Corinthians 10:13

Hey guys, I want to have a word with you.

I must admit this has been bothering me for quite a while. Ever since i was a young man i have been bothered by the way men have treated woman. It seems that that many guy's will judge a woman based on her outward physical attributes and if that lady doesn't match up to their expectations they will not bother to get to know them. You say that you are a Christian by the outward actions of attending church, but behind closed doors your life tells another story. Accountability seems so far away from your lips that it becomes a pride thing.

Guys, have you ever thought about treating that lady like a sister? Don't even think of running all of the bases and making a score with her. Please consider preserving her honor so when she does marry the man God brings into her life that there won't be any pain left over from old relationships. Conversely, you would want your future wife to be treated with honor and respect so when your paths cross she would not have any painful baggage to unload.

Woman are struggling with eating disorders because deep down they want to meet societal's definition of beauty. Are you part of this problem when you look forward to the latest Sport Illustrated swimsuit edition, or when you look at questionable sites on the internet thinking what harm would there be to just glance? Or are you one of those guys who oggle over the underwear ads in the Sunday store ads?

Guy's will often hold a woman to a higher standard of without setting the same standard for themselves.I am getting tired of watching men throw away their marriages in search of the elusive standard of beauty. Every time I hear about a broken relationship I see the impact it has on the church. The couple we use to be friends with no longer are our friends because we no longer see them in our Sunday school classes. It is as though a scab develops over the area where there once was a thriving relationship.It isn't just one broken relationship, but it has become many broken relationships. So absurd is this epidemic of broken relationships that right now statistics tell us that there is no difference between the divorce rate between Christian's and non-Christians. Shouldn't Christian men be the leaders in our homes? Shouldn't Christian men deliver on their marriage vows, " For better or for worst til death do we part".

The lack of accountability is the problem.

A friend of mine and I courted our girlfriends around the same time back in s1987. They were married a month before us. He had no qualms about having lunches alone with someone of the opposite sex, or riding in the same car with them. I set boundaries early in our courtship. On one very stormy night in 1987 there were news reports of power lines being down and highways flooded, but my instinct told me that I could not stay at my girl friends apartment to wait out the storm. I chose to take the safe roads all the way home rather than take the chance on crossing the moral divide. I must admit I had a blast driving through the flooded streets and it really didn't occur to me the extent of the flooding, but believe that God had honored my decision by keeping me safe on my drive home. It turned out that this friend of mine failed the marriage test when his wife left him.

The only way to avoid the temptations that come your way is to get into a mentoring relationship with other strong Christian men. I urge you to consider becoming accountable to other guys to avoid the pitfall of pornography and potentially crossing the moral divide.

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