
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Karl Marx once said that Religion is the opiate of the masses

Karl Marx once said " Religion is the opiate of the masses" and with that comment he introduced to the world Communism and a world without religion.  Marx thought by eliminating the physical buildings that religion was practiced in he could destroy religion.  What he did not anticipate was the power of the holy spirit that created the 'underground church'. Through the years stories  upon stories have been spread about Christians risking their lives to bring bibles to believers entrapped within this agnostic environment.  You may call these believer's crazy to want to put their lives in danger to bring what some people think is a simple powerless book, but the reality is within the pages of this bible holds a powerful, life changing force. In Hebrews 4:12 the bible is described as living and effectual and more piercing than any two edge sword.

Christianity is more than just a religious rite. Christianity is based on Jesus Christ successful resurrection from the cross and returning where he actually ate a meal of fish and loaves with the very disciples he loved and his final command before he returned to heaven, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, the son and the Holy spirit as described in Matthew 28:19. Religion is a sacrament we might practice by going to church, but Christianity is a lifestyle decision to follow Christ all the days of our life and help others to discover this life changing force.

All of the religions of the world point to God; but but only one provides the safe passageway to heaven. Most  of  world religions use good works and rituals to bring people into a deeper connection: but only Christianity promises life in heaven because of the resurrection of Christ.  We may not see the actual Christ, but the bible assures us in John 14:16 that Jesus would ask the Father and He would give us another helper (counselor) to be with us forever.  Through the holy spirit which is given to us by God we are changed forever just as it is written in Philippians 4:7 describes "and the peace of God which transcends all understanding shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus"

Religion can be forgotten as soon as we exit the doors of the church, or as soon as we stop doing the religious routine, but when we have Christ in our lives he now becomes a life changing force in us that helps shape all of our decisions we make in life.  Which is why people have died bringing this hope in Christ to those entrapped in a society that teaches that opiate is the religion of the masses.

My faith began when I was only 18 years old with a simple prayer inviting Jesus Christ to come into my life and with that decision  a new desire to see the word of God as not simply a book of wise sayings, but a book that is living and effectual and more piercing than a two edge sword.

 Jesus Christ wants you to know that because of his death and resurrection on the cross he has paved the way for all to come to God and with that the assurance that when life ends on earth that you will spend eternity with Christ. The life changing presence of the Holy Spirit is what motivates Christians to continue sharing  the promises of God with a world void of hope for the future.

 It is what motivated mother Theresa to start a orphanage in the  heart of the ghetto in India.  It is what motivated Brother Andrew to bring bibles into the iron curtain and to do the same in the Arab countries. They know that their assurance is certain that if anything happened to them while sharing God's love to a  hurting world that they would be immediately ushered into the very presence of the king of Kings and lord of Lords.

Christianity is truly a life changing force that keeps on going!  Now that is beautiful!

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