
Friday, February 5, 2021

This morning I found myself lamenting over the constant barrage of terrible, no good, very bad news by the National news media


My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God.
Psalm 84:2

When the movie 'Network' came out in 1976 it was made in response to the perpetuating bad news on the National networks.  How true it is in 2021 with the daily body counts, Corvid deaths, positivity rates, and the ongoing lockdowns that have cost American lives in terms of their livelihoods and sometimes their own lives when hopelessness settles in.  How I wish we had an ethical newsman who would get up from his anchor's seat and recite these famous lines, " I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore".  

This was my lament this morning when I arose with a hot cup of coffee in my hand as I sat down in my comfort chair ready and determined to pray to almighty God.

Lord, I'm confused by the Corvid-19 and the longest lockdown in the history of the world. I'm confused why rationale conservative voices are being censored like the voice of Dr. Simon Gold, a highly respected emergency room doctor with years of clinical experience treating her patients, who tried to express her frustration with not being able to utilize existing medications to treat her patients. 

 I'm frustrated that the news media is trying disparately to destroy this doctor's credibility. I'm deeply confused why we have to turn on the government printing press so that every American receives a 1400.00 stimulus check when we can simply open up the economy more so most American's can go back to work. Oh Lord, where is this money coming from? Why is it that I as a private citizen take great care at managing my budget, but our Government does the opposite spending more of my hardworking tax money?

I'm confused why the news media seems bent on twisting the truth while bashing any conservative voices from expressing their views.

I'm confused why the news media seems bent on exporting fear and anxiety to all people so that mental health now becomes the number 1 health problem.
I'm confused why corporations aren't pursuing the hybrid model so that regular folks can return to their mainstream workplaces and regain the normalcy they once knew before this pandemic began

As I sit by the fireplace I'm enjoying the flicking flames and basting in its warmth. Oh God, please help me understand so that I may see the hope at the end of this long pandemic tunnel. 

In conclusion, I was reminded of this verse from Psalms, 'I would rather be at the door of the house of my God than to live in the tents of the wicked.  I'm reminded that the only security we have is knowing our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.

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