
Friday, May 22, 2020

Last night I had this dream of Kenny Rogers singing through the years, and then this morning

I read the headline, 'Kenny Rogers dead at 81. I decided to listen to this song because there are so many positive words about staying committed in relationships.  As I travel along life's path I see the importance of many of the things Kenny sings about in this song.  No relationship is perfect. There will be good things and bad things that will occasionally happen to us. Life, in a sense, is like a roller coaster ride with your hands in the air that at times can seem scary. 

For some, it is the death of a child that sets us back. For others it is the plight of unemployment and wondering how the bills will get paid. For still others it is hitting a lull in our relationships and wondering how we will ever get back to the happy time you once knew.  For still others it is the death of a spouse that suddenly thrusts you into a prolong period of isolation.  

There is a line to the marriage vow that my wife and I kept at a time when so many couples were drawing up prenuptial plans while leaving the marriage door slightly ajar.  It was for better or for worse till death do we part. We knew going into our marriage that life wasn't always going to be a bowl of cherries and occasionally difficult situations would come.

We understood that looking at the struggles our parents went through in life. A line my own father would say stuck with me through the years following tough events- "Let's not cross the bridge until we come to it." There is a verse in the bible that reflects those same words. In Matthew 6:25 it says, "Do Not Worry ] “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?

 As we traveled life's road we not only experience the difficult things, but also very good things as well. As we find ourselves depressed over our circumstances the best thing we can do is to make a listing of all of the past blessings you've experience. Once this list is started I assure you it will never end because you can always be thankful of something good in your life..

The storm we currently find ourselves in will eventually calm down and life will once again be normalize.  Until it does, I will continue to read the word of God, tune into the live stream church service at my church. 

God has never abandoned us because he sent a good shepherd to help us through those rough patches of life.

If you are looking to be encouraged with God's word, I encourage you to go to this link and listen to those services. Like my wife and I we are encouraged going into the next week.

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