
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The evolution of a Sunday school class at NHC-Joint Heirs became Homebuilder's became Life builders

Linda and I were fortunate enough to have stable jobs in the same city, unlike countless others who must pull up anchor to look for their next uncharted territory.  We've been blessed to remain in the same church through the years, using our spiritual gifts to edify the body of Christ. 

When we were first married in 1988, we knew we needed to be involved in an adult Sunday school class with other like-minded couples. A few of us met with one of the pastors and soon after, joint-heirs was started to encourage the body of young married couples as they start off on a new path together. 

When this group grew the class had to move into a slightly larger space. As our group got larger through the addition of children and new homes, the class changed their name to Homebuilder's with a Sunday new's bulletin called the 'blueprint'. 

 Our class was made up of individuals who used their spiritual gifts to edify the body of Christ- from the greeter at the door to the one doing the announcements to those who were good at finding speakers to edify the body of Christ with messages from God's word. 

As our children aged, we began to witness health problems and deaths of good friends. One moment we are celebrating another year of marriage with them while the next moment we are at their celebration of life service.

  Life, I've learned, isn't always fair, but I've also learned that our Lord is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and He is the anchor for my soul.

As our children left home to go to college and we began to experience the empty nest syndrome, our group once again evolved and became Life builder's to once again edify the body of Christ to help their relationships become stronger through some of the fiercest storms. 

If I could close my eyes and see the invisible world, I would see Jesus walking by our side, sometimes carrying us, as we navigate those storms of this life. 

What if instead of people leaving the Church for other seemingly more fruitful churches we ask God to reveal to us our spiritual gifts and a ministry to use our gifts? Maybe, they will experience the blessings of watching others grow in their faith through the use of their gifts. 

In God's kingdom, there is no such thing as unemployment- God will use anyone willing to practice their spiritual gift in the body of Christ.

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