
Friday, September 28, 2018

I wrote this blog post 2 years ago when Maria would have been 20 years old

And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3

I wrote this post 2 years ago on a day Maria would have been 20 years-old. I wrote it to encourage others to share memories they had of the one who died. As you lament over your loss today, remember that there will be far more celebrating in heaven with your loved one as there were of the time you celebrated with them on earth.

As I look at the clock on my laptop, I am reminded that this would have been Maria's 20th birthday. I can only imagine what that birthday might have been like, just like I could only imagine all of her other birthdays from age 11 on. Why am I sharing this? Families who suffer the misfortune of losing their child need others to share memories of their child. Just because a child dies, regardless of age, doesn't mean they can just forget about them. Their timeline may have ended, but the memories linger on. Maria, I know you are very much alive in heaven and I know that your life, because of what Jesus did for you, continues on. Happy birthday from your earthly dad. To all of the other parents, I encourage you to continue talking about the memories of your child. It is normal to do so because it reflects the love you had for them.

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