
Saturday, September 15, 2018

For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

"Mayday, mayday!" Tom hollered into his ham radio.  Hoping someone would hear him as he struggled to stay afloat from his cabin cruiser. 

 He knew at this very hour he made a tragic mistake trying to outlive hurricane Florence He thought this would have been like the other two hurricanes where he hunkered down and survived those storms. 

 The unrelenting waves were pounding his boat and sending him occasionally to the floor where once again he had to use all his strength to get back on his feet. He tried one more time trying to get someone or anyone's attention but realized that even the rescuers were hunkered down somewhere to get away from this storm. 

Tom was at the mercy of these winds, winds that were howling its angry pitch at him, trying to intimidate him. "Mayday, mayday!" he tried one more time to get anyone's attention without realizing that if anyone heard there was no way they would be able to rescue him. He felt cold seawater at his feet and when he looked down he saw the water begin rising. 

For the first time, Tom had this sense of dread fill his mind as though he wasn't going to survive this one. His mind drifted back to his girlfriend and all his nephews and nieces he might never see again. He thought of his mom and dad who were probably worried sick for him, especially when he nonchalantly mentioned to them he would ride out the storm from his boat. He reminded them not to worry because his boat would be locked securely at the dock.

He felt another big wave knock into his boat. He tried to brace himself with both arms outstretched to steady himself, but once again, he was knocked onto the now water soaked cabin floor.  He thought he heard the cabin glass break and when he felt the splinters of glass falling everywhere he knew his time on this earth were just minutes away from dissipating into nothingness. 

He reflected on the bible verses from bible school he memorized and wished he had kept going to Church, but his peers were all telling him, "you don't need God."  But, he wondered maybe he had made a horrible mistake. He was no match for this storm and he knew it. Tom felt the boat shake more violently now as if the boat was beginning to break free from the dock.  Tom did the only thing he knew which was to cry out to Jesus to please come into his life because he needed him. He remembers that verse from John 3:16  For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. At this very hour he needed him. How he wished he had made that decision like his sister and brother did when they were teens, but his stubbornness and his drive to do it his way were overwhelming.  Tom felt the boat shake violently one more time before the wind and the wave pulled it away from the security of the dock. 

He felt the boat break apart and his body drifting off in the seawater. He couldn't breathe. He soon had this sensation that he was drowning. As his lungs were filling up with seawater, he began drifting off into unconsciousness.  Tom left his body watching it float lifelessly away, yet he did not have any fear or dread or a sense of panic. He saw this light and inside that light, he saw the most beautiful person, the one who bled and died for him.- Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the lord of Lord's.

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