
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Music holds the key of being the greatest physical and emotional pain reliever!

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord;
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
2 Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
3 For the Lord is a great God, Psalm 95

I knew there were benefits to listening to music, but not this many.  It explains why I love listening to KTIS FM in the morning drive to and again in my return trip home. Music is the key to feeling good about oneself because it releases the dopamines throughout our body. 

One of the distressing things about losing a loved one is depriving ourselves of the pleasure of music. We turn off the radio when the song on it reminds us the music our loved one loves, or we sit in silence hoping the mere silence will make us feel better without realizing we need the pulsating effects of music to stimulate our brain. The music we enjoy listening to stimulates areas of both areas of our brain.  What I didn't realize was that when students listened to music prior to taking a test they actually did better on that test.

Studies suggest that when children listen to music before completing a math test they actually did better on that test. Studies also suggest that music often helps dementia patients and severely brain damaged individuals to better recall personal memories!

Then there was the study that suggested that when people who listened to music prior to undergoing their surgical procedures had lower pain scores and required less of the pain medications, and doctors who listened to music prior to performing surgery actually had better technique performing that procedure. 

I postulated that music, not opioids, holds the key to being the greatest pain reliever for people.

As I reflected on these benefits, my mind became consumed by this incredible body that God created in the beginning with a mind that has so many healing benefits when we listen to music.

In this age where people somehow think silence, not music is golden, we ought to change the way we think about music because music actually can help us heal from the damaging effects of grief and trauma. While I cannot explain it, all I know is that when I listen to music on the radio I feel good.

Since our lives in heaven will one day be filled with singing praises to our King, let us practice for the real thing by listening to Christian songs on our radios- on the drive time to and from work. Try it and you too may experience the releasing of those dopamines throughout your system! 

Our God truly is the master builder of all of us- he truly understands what ails us in this life!

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