
Friday, December 30, 2016

The true story of a profound loss of a yellow Lab

22 That is how it is with you: now you are sad, but I will see you again, and your hearts will be filled with gladness, the kind of gladness that no one can take away from you.

After my lovely bride and I went shopping at Hobby Lobby and enjoyed a meal out together, we came home to discover a yellow labrador retriever on our deck. Sargon, our lab, was excited by his newfound friend.  While keeping the two dogs separated my wife checked the dog collar and discovered the dog lived several blocks away. 

Fortunately, there were two phone numbers listed on his collar. She goes by Mickie. I called the number on the collar and reached Micky's owner, who sounded as if she was out of breath, most likely from the frantic search for their dog.Fifteen minutes later the owner showed up with a relief that their dog had been found.

Then their story began. The owners had 2 yellow labs, but when their grandson forgot to latch the gate they got loose. They ran down the path leading to highway 10. While Micky escaped being hit, the other one did not. They took the other lab to the vet where they found the dog could not be saved. We're not sure how long they had been looking for Micky, but when I called and reached the owner it was apparent she was out of breath when she spoke.The owner was thankful that Micky was safe and secure in our home and, I think, thankful they had their phone numbers on the tag.

I was reminded of the powerful impact that losing a pet can have on a family. While it may seem that such as loss pales in comparison to a human, the loss of a pet can be a devastating experience for someone who has bonded with them and suddenly finds they are not there any longer.

Just like it is important we allow time to grieve and mourn for our human friends who pass away, it is equally important to allow yourself time to grieve the loss of your pet.

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