“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’

Over the past year, I've grieved for the American people for the hate filled comments made by people on both sides of the spectrum against each other.
I grieved for the young Muslim woman who was physically attacked with a beer bottle in my hometown Applebees because someone else didn't care for her beliefs or that she wasn't speaking English with her friends.
I grieved for people's lack of understanding of our Muslim friends wishing they would go home without realizing that most of them were legally here in America.
As you will see in this video, our Muslim friends are no different than our Catholic, Jewish, Lutheran friends. If you were one of that religious affiliation it was because you were born in a Catholic, Jewish, Lutheran family and it was commonly believed that you were naturally of that faith.
This young woman's story is only one of thousands of testimonies other Muslim people who came to a saving faith in Jesus Christ because Jesus appeared in their dreams.
I guess it doesn't surprise me when you consider that one of the hallmarks of the Muslim faith is prayer and fasting. Christians who pray and fast on a regular basis will also tell you that they personally have heard from Jesus in their dreams. In essence, sacrificial giving opens up the floodgates of heaven for God to do amazing things like revitalizing lives that have become hopeless and lost.
Everyone in this life is redeemable because God loves you so much that not only did he come back to experience your life as a human, but he decided to die for all of your sins.
Remember, sin is simply anything you might have said, thought or done that was considered wrong. From the time we are born it doesn't take much to create a stack of sins so high that clearly, you can't see the top, but God essentially paid the penalty of those sins with this death and resurrection from the dead. God died for you, yes YOU.
If during this Christmas celebration of Christ birth, you are not sure if you are a Christian or not I urge you to watch this video all the way to the end because within that video will be an opportunity to pray an invitational prayer to open the door of your heart and ask Jesus in.
Like this new Christian in this video, God wants to be your source of hope.I assure you that once you accept Christ,, God will help you embark on one of the greatest and exciting journeys of your life.
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