because our God is loving and merciful.
79 He will give light to those who live in the dark
and in death’s shadow.
He will guide us into the way of peace.” Luke 1:78
It isn't until you reach the top of that hair-raising climb when you can really enjoy the view. Anyone who lives near mountains can certainly attest to that thought.
It is only when we reach the top when our Lord points to you those scary moments of your grief journey when you see that those were the moments that He picked you up and instead of two sets of footprints, there was one.
It is when you reach the top that you become overwhelmed with all of your emotions and bow down at your Savior's feet with a crescendo of praises and thank you's for not abandoning you on this journey. You realized while admiring the view that God does reign in your journey. He does care about you, love you, and desires nothing but the best for you!
It is much harder to reach this place where you can admire this view if you had rejected God when bad things happen if you turn to alcohol ( just another form of depressant that makes things worse) if you stop going to church if you simply quit.
It is after you make this climb that Jesus stands beside you pointing out spectacular views from your climb, and he reveals to you what lies ahead. Het gently turns you around and points to you a much more level path, a path filled with the abundance of good things, and in the process, he reminds you he will continue to walk with you, not carry you, on the rest of your journey. He will continue to have conversations with you as though he were encouraging you.
You found in your climb that your Savior has become your greatest ally and your loudest cheerleader while he encourages you to try new things, take risks, and become everything you can possibly be in this life.
As this new day dawns, God reminds you that the greatest praise you can give him is to sing praises to God on the Sabbath by celebrating with believer's where you can encourage them wherever they might be on their journeys
It is when you are admiring this beautiful vista that you can remind others to keep leaning on Jesus because one day they will enjoy their own vistas at a timing that is unique to their own journey.
Our God truly does make all things new again.