
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

God is faithful and is always present.

'For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God ' Ephesians 2:8

Very early in my grief journey when I was unable to pick up the bible I would often listen to Ray Vanderlaan's messages about the Holy land. His style of communicating and his knowledge of the bible bought these biblical truths to light. 

I recently read through the book of Ephasians. Paul, a Jew who later because a Christian when he was suddenly blinded  on the road to Damascus became so convinced that Jesus was the Lord of Lords and King of Kings that he grew in his desire to share it in  his travels. It was in Ephesus that Paul was thrown in prison. As I read the book and viewed the Ray Vanderlaan video I began to see why.

Ephesus was a very proud city with hard working men and woman who built a city in honor of the god of fertility, or whatever god became popular at the time. Ephesus was a city on the Mediterranean with expansive hills where the wealthier people live in homes that had hot and cold showers and indoor toilets. In the city were altars that were built so people could pay homage to the man in Ephesus that declared himself the Lord of Lords. In other parts of the city you will find a carved fish by the home that followed Christ. Perhaps, as Ray Vanderlaan pointed out this was how the symbol of the fish came to being in our modern society.

What this says to me is that Jesus Christ is very real, the resurrection really did happen and he is alive and wants to continue changing lives and bringing people into God's kingdom. I hope his message on the book of Ephesians will cause you to dig deeper in the scriptures like it did me.

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